- がんじょうでない,もろい,弱い / 実質(実体)のない;非現実的な,空想的な
English Journal
- Simulation of Optimal Decision-Making Under the Impacts of Climate Change.
- Møller LR1, Drews M2, Larsen MAD3.
- Environmental management.Environ Manage.2017 Jul;60(1):104-117. doi: 10.1007/s00267-017-0852-1. Epub 2017 Apr 3.
- PMID 28374226
- Performance of prototype high-flow inhalable dust sampler in a livestock production facility.
- Anthony TR1, Cai C1, Mehaffy J2, Sleeth D3, Volckens J2.
- Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene.J Occup Environ Hyg.2017 May;14(5):313-322. doi: 10.1080/15459624.2016.1240872.
- PMID 27792469
- Effect of iron ion on doxycycline photocatalytic and Fenton-based autocatatalytic decomposition.
- Bolobajev J1, Trapido M1, Goi A2.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2016 Jun;153:220-6. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.03.042. Epub 2016 Mar 25.
- PMID 27016818
Japanese Journal
- ブライアン・フリールの『三人姉妹』--言葉の問題を中心に
- Antony's Dissolution within the Discourse of Cleopatra
- 林 恵子
- Kasumigaoka review 13, 73-97, 2007-02
- … This reality is veiled with unsubstantial discourses of "Cleo patra." Therefore, it is not too much to claim that Cleopatra does not influence the dissolution of Antony. …
- NAID 110006459684
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- unsubstantialとは。意味や和訳。[形]1 事実に基づかない;空想的な,非現実的な.2 実体のない;つかみどころのない;〈食事が〉貧弱な.3 堅固でない,もろい.ugrave;n・substantial・ly[副] - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語 ...
- adjective 1. not substantial; having no foundation in fact; fanciful; insubstantial: an unsubstantial argument; unsubstantial hopes. 2. without material substance: an unsubstantial ghost. 3. lacking material substance; materially paltry: an unsubstantial dinner of bread and cheese.
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