- morally offensive; "an unsavory reputation"; "an unsavory scandal" (同)unsavoury, offensive
- いやな味(におい)がする,まずい,うまくない / (道徳的に)悪い,不快な
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English Journal
- Remembering our roots: eponyms in sports medicine.
- Popkin CA, Gundry CR, Larson CM, Murnaghan ML.Author information Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine Center for the Developing Athlete, New York-Presbyterian Medical Center, Columbia University, New York, New York, USA. cp2654@columbia.eduAbstractFor as long as athletes have been competing, injuries from competition have resulted. Sports medicine has a rich and storied history with significant contributors from many different countries and civilizations. Over time, we have honored the contributions of important figures in sports medicine with the use of eponyms. However, the continued use of eponyms in medicine has been called into question by a number of authors. They cite inaccuracies in definition and context, lack of descriptive value, and the possible celebration of unsavory characters. However, eponyms are pervasive in the medical literature. They bring color and character and allow us to honor those who came before us. Furthermore, eponyms can hide some distressing aspects of a disease. This review of eponyms in sports medicine provides an opportunity to celebrate our predecessors, recognize the international flavor of sports medicine, and promote accurate use of eponyms for the future.
- The American journal of sports medicine.Am J Sports Med.2013 Jul;41(7):1703-11. doi: 10.1177/0363546512470620. Epub 2012 Dec 21.
- For as long as athletes have been competing, injuries from competition have resulted. Sports medicine has a rich and storied history with significant contributors from many different countries and civilizations. Over time, we have honored the contributions of important figures in sports medicine wit
- PMID 23263294
- Global plastic surgeons images depicted in motion pictures.
- Hwang SJ, Park S, Hwang K.Author information King's College London, School of Medicine, London, UK.AbstractMotion pictures are made to entertain and enlighten people, but they are viewed differently by different people. What one considers to be a tearjerker may induce giggles in another. We have gained added interest in this because our professional pictures contain plastic surgery in their venue. We have recently reviewed 21 motion pictures that were made from 1928 to 2006 and that includes plastic surgical procedures in their content. As a habit, we tried to analyze them from a surgical point of view. About one third (35.7%) of the patients were criminals, whereas 14.3% of them were spies. One third of the procedures were done by illegitimate "surgeons," whereas a quarter of the procedures (25%) were performed by renowned surgeons. Surgeons who were in love with the patients did the rest (25%) of the operations. The complication rate was 14.3%; the surgery was successful in 85.7% of cases, but were the patients happy with the results? This was not the case in the movies. Only 7.7% were happy; 14.5 % of them were eminently unhappy. Why the discrepancy? It is difficult to analyze the minds of the people in the film, but considering that the majority of the characters in the films were rather unsavory, one may deduce that a crooked mind functions differently. Motion pictures have advanced greatly in the past several decades with the advent of improved mechanical and electronic devices, and plastic surgery as also advanced in tandem. This surgical field has become a common procedure in our daily life. It is readily available and mostly painless. However, the public sees it in only one way, that is, that the performing physicians are highly compensated. Very few consider the efforts and the suffering that accompanies each and every surgical procedure as it is performed. Perhaps, it is too much to hope for a day that will come when we will see a film that portrays the mental anguish that accompanies each and every procedure the plastic surgeon makes.
- The Journal of craniofacial surgery.J Craniofac Surg.2013 Mar;24(2):e106-8. doi: 10.1097/SCS.0b013e31826468de.
- Motion pictures are made to entertain and enlighten people, but they are viewed differently by different people. What one considers to be a tearjerker may induce giggles in another. We have gained added interest in this because our professional pictures contain plastic surgery in their venue. We hav
- PMID 23524799
- Candiru--a little fish with bad habits: need travel health professionals worry? A review.
- Bauer IL.Author information School of Nursing, Midwifery & Nutrition, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld, Australia. Irmgard.Bauer@jcu.edu.auAbstractBACKGROUND: Over the last 150 years, a little South American fish with alleged unsavory habits has become the stuff legends are made of. With growing visitor numbers to the Amazon basin, the question of whether the animal poses a threat to the many travelers to the region arises.
- Journal of travel medicine.J Travel Med.2013 Mar-Apr;20(2):119-24. doi: 10.1111/jtm.12005. Epub 2013 Jan 2.
- BACKGROUND: Over the last 150 years, a little South American fish with alleged unsavory habits has become the stuff legends are made of. With growing visitor numbers to the Amazon basin, the question of whether the animal poses a threat to the many travelers to the region arises.METHODS: Scientific
- PMID 23464720
Japanese Journal
- マリア・モンク『恐怖の暴露』序説--19世紀前半アメリカの反カトリック主義とジェンダー
- 「ミシシッピー州主権委員会」と南部の抵抗 : 公民権と州権,1956年-1973年
- 演劇経験の有無による味覚表情の表出ならびに演技の差異
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- Unsavory definition, not savory; tasteless or insipid: an unsavory meal. See more. ... So as unsavory as it may feel, working with the moderate-aligned military is our only hope, writes Leslie H. Gelb.
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