- (特に言動が)自発的な,自由意志の
English Journal
- Family Matters: Effects of Birth Order, Culture, and Family Dynamics on Surrogate Decision-Making.
- Su CT, McMahan RD, Williams BA, Sharma RK, Sudore RL.Author information Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York.AbstractCultural attitudes about medical decision-making and filial expectations may lead some surrogates to experience stress and family conflict. Thirteen focus groups with racially and ethnically diverse English and Spanish speakers from county and Veterans Affairs hospitals, senior centers, and cancer support groups were conducted to describe participants' experiences making serious or end-of-life decisions for others. Filial expectations and family dynamics related to birth order and surrogate decision-making were explored using qualitative, thematic content analysis, and overarching themes from focus group transcripts were identified. The mean age of the 69 participants was 69 ± 14, and 29% were African American, 26% were white, 26% were Asian or Pacific Islander, and 19% were Latino. Seventy percent of participants engaged in unprompted discussions about birth order and family dynamics. Six subthemes were identified within three overarching categories: communication (unspoken expectations and discussion of death as taboo), emotion (emotional stress and feelings of loneliness), and conflict (family conflict and potential solutions to prevent conflict). These findings suggest that birth order and family dynamics can have profound effects on surrogate stress and coping. Clinicians should be aware of potential unspoken filial expectations for firstborns and help facilitate communication between the patient, surrogate, and extended family to reduce stress and conflict.
- Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.J Am Geriatr Soc.2014 Jan 2. doi: 10.1111/jgs.12610. [Epub ahead of print]
- Cultural attitudes about medical decision-making and filial expectations may lead some surrogates to experience stress and family conflict. Thirteen focus groups with racially and ethnically diverse English and Spanish speakers from county and Veterans Affairs hospitals, senior centers, and cancer s
- PMID 24383459
- Verbal prompting to improve everyday cognition in MCI and unimpaired older adults.
- Thomas KR, Marsiske M.Author information Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, University of Florida.AbstractObjective: This study investigated the effect of verbal prompting on elders' 10-year longitudinal change in everyday cognition. Differential effects of prompting associated with impaired cognitive status were also examined. Method: At baseline, 2,802 participants (mean age = 73.6 years, mean education = 13.5 years) from the Advanced Cognitive Training for Independent and Vital Elderly trial were classified as unimpaired, having amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or nonamnestic MCI, based on psychometric algorithm. Participants were given the Observed Tasks of Daily Living (OTDL; a behavioral measure with tasks involving medication management/finances/telephone use) at baseline and at 1-, 2-, 3-, 5-, and 10-year follow-ups. When participants said "I don't know" or did not respond to an item, they received a standardized verbal prompt. At each occasion, unprompted (sum of items correct without prompting) and prompted (sum of items correct including both prompted and unprompted) scores were derived for each participant. Multilevel modeling, adjusting for demographics/health/training group, was used to determine the trajectories of OTDL performance. Results: Persons with MCI performed at lower levels than those who were unimpaired (amnestic < nonamnestic < unimpaired), and for all groups, prompted performance exceeded unprompted in all years. There was differential performance of the prompting conditions over time; prompted performance, unlike unprompted, was relatively protected from age-related decline, and persons with MCI experienced greater improvement due to prompting. Conclusions: Very simple prompting appears to enhance and maintain performance on a task of everyday cognition over 10 years for both unimpaired and mildly impaired older adults. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2013 APA, all rights reserved).
- Neuropsychology.Neuropsychology.2014 Jan;28(1):123-34. doi: 10.1037/neu0000039. Epub 2013 Nov 11.
- Objective: This study investigated the effect of verbal prompting on elders' 10-year longitudinal change in everyday cognition. Differential effects of prompting associated with impaired cognitive status were also examined. Method: At baseline, 2,802 participants (mean age = 73.6 years, mean educati
- PMID 24219613
- Evaluating the effectiveness of an Australian obesity mass-media campaign: how did the 'Measure-Up' campaign measure up in New South Wales?
- King EL, Grunseit AC, O'Hara BJ, Bauman AE.Author information Cancer Australia, Level 14, 300 Elizabeth St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010, Australia and Prevention Research Collaboration, Level 2, Medical Foundation Building, 92 Parramatta Rd, University of Sydney, Camperdown, NSW 2006, Australia.AbstractIn 2008, the Australian Government launched a mass-media campaign 'Measure-Up' to reduce lifestyle-related chronic disease risk. Innovative campaign messages linked waist circumference and chronic disease risk. Communication channels for the campaign included television, press, radio and outdoor advertising and local community activities. This analysis examines the impact of the campaign in the state of New South Wales, Australia. Cross-sectional telephone surveys (n = 1006 adults pre- and post-campaign) covered self-reported diet and physical activity, campaign awareness, knowledge about waist circumference, personal relevance of the message, perceived confidence to make lifestyle changes and waist-measuring behaviours. The campaign achieved high unprompted (38%) and prompted (89%) awareness. From pre- to post-campaign, knowledge and personal relevance of the link between waist circumference and chronic disease and waist measuring behaviour increased, although there were no significant changes in reported fruit and vegetable intake nor in physical activity. Knowledge of the correct waist measurement threshold for chronic disease risk increased over 5-fold, adjusted for demographic characteristics. 'Measure-Up' was successful at communicating the new campaign messages. Continued long-term investment in campaigns such as 'Measure-Up', supplemented with community-based health promotion, may contribute to population risk factor understanding and behaviour change to reduce chronic disease.
- Health education research.Health Educ Res.2013 Dec;28(6):1029-39. doi: 10.1093/her/cyt084. Epub 2013 Aug 20.
- In 2008, the Australian Government launched a mass-media campaign 'Measure-Up' to reduce lifestyle-related chronic disease risk. Innovative campaign messages linked waist circumference and chronic disease risk. Communication channels for the campaign included television, press, radio and outdoor adv
- PMID 23962490
Japanese Journal
- Hiroshima Studies in Language and Language Education (17), 173-193, 2014-03-01
- NAID 120005428167
- 複数人談話における笑いの情報を考慮した盛り上がり判定
- 複数人談話における笑いの情報を考慮した盛り上がり判定
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- unpromptedとは。意味や和訳。[形]((形式))他人に促されたのではない,自発的な(spontaneous) - 80万項目以上収録、例文・コロケーションが豊富な無料英和和英辞典。
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