- without preparation; not prepared for; "unprepared remarks"; "the shock was unprepared"; "our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared"- R.E.Danielson
- 準備なしの,即席の;(…の)用意(覚悟)ができていない《+for+名》
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English Journal
- Residents learning from a narrative experience with dying patients: a qualitative study.
- Tait GR, Hodges BD.SourceDalhousie University, Administrative Suite 7101b, Abbie J. Lane Memorial Building, 5909 Veteran's Memorial Lane, Halifax, NS, B3H2E2, Canada, glendon.tait@utoronto.ca.
- Advances in health sciences education : theory and practice.Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract.2012 Oct 6. [Epub ahead of print]
- For patients at the end of life, it is crucial to address the psychological, existential, and spiritual distress of patients. Medical education research suggests trainees feel unprepared to provide the whole person, humanistic care held as the ideal. This study used an empirically based narrative in
- PMID 23053870
- Supporting deployed operations: are military nurses gaining the relevant experience from MDHUs to be competent in deployed operations?
- Beaumont SP, Allan HT.SourceSchool of Health and Social Care, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
- Journal of clinical nursing.J Clin Nurs.2012 Oct 3. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2012.04315.x. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To explore how peacetime employment of military nurses in the UK National Health Service Medical Defence Hospital Units prepares them to be competent to practise in their role on deployment.BACKGROUND: Military secondary care nurses are employed within UK National Health Service
- PMID 23030257
- Unique thermodynamic relationships for Δ(f)H(o) and Δ(f)G(o) for crystalline inorganic salts. I. Predicting the possible existence and synthesis of Na(2)SO(2) and Na(2)SeO(2).
- Vegas A, Liebman JF, Jenkins HD.SourceUniversidad de Burgos, Parque Científico y Tecnológico, Edificio I+D+I, Plaza Misael Bañuelos, Burgos 09001, Spain.
- Acta crystallographica. Section B, Structural science.Acta Crystallogr B.2012 Oct;68(Pt 5):511-27. Epub 2012 Sep 13.
- The concept that equates oxidation and pressure has been successfully utilized in explaining the structural changes observed in the M(2)S subnets of M(2)SO(x) (x = 3, 4) compounds (M = Na, K) when compared with the structures (room- and high-pressure phases) of their parent M(2)S `alloy' [Martínez-
- PMID 22992796
Japanese Journal
- 長期休暇における数学の学力維持と学力不振学生の学力向上への取り組み
- 田村 優輝,浅羽 祐樹
- 山口県立大学学術情報 6, 55-68, 2013-03-31
- … Otherwise, unprepared ships cannot avoid being attacked with its crew kidnapped by pirates for ransom.Mr. Tamura claims that this analogy turns out to be true for students who have only three years remaining before graduation. …
- NAID 110009555717
- UNPREPARED INDESTRUCTIBILITY (Aspects of Descriptive Set Theory)
- Pandemic preparedness and response to H1N1 2009 in the Solomon Islands
- Sio Alison Ripiapu
- 保健医療科学 60(5), 445-446, 2011-10
- … In consultations before the 2009 outbreak of influenza subtype H1N1, the World Health Organization had concluded that the world was unprepared to respond to an influenza pandemic, due in part to inadequate global surveillance and response capacities2. …
- NAID 110009586914
Related Links
- Synonyms for unprepared at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.
- Unprepared Orchestraへ。 このサークルでは東方Projectの音楽をアレンジしています 。 このホームページは、javascriptに対応したブラウザで閲覧してください。 2009.03.16 から. カウンター [PR] 美容学校 販売 派遣. © 2009-2011 Unprepared Orchestra. ...
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