Japanese Journal
- 平山 皓
- 医療 37(2), 149-158, 1983
- 過去5年間の国立立川病院めまいセンターからの紹介例, 23例につき精神医学的に考察した. これらにつきめまいの特徴, 診断上の注意, 治療方法を文献例と比較して記した.1) てんかん群は, 15例中13例が側頭葉性てんかんであり, 次の4群に分類された. I群はてんかん性めまいの可能性大. II群は恐らくてんかん性めまいの可能性. III群はてんかん性めまいの可能性小. IV群は非てんかん性めまい …
- NAID 130004106867
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- There seems to have been some unpleasantness between Augusta and Lady Byron during those ten weeks. As the stove grew hotter, the unpleasantness grew assertive. They dine, but they don't think of the dinner or the unpleasantness ...
- Define unpleasantness: the quality or state of being unpleasant ... Seen and Heard What made you want to look up unpleasantness? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).
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- unplesantness, discomfort