- not offending; "an unoffending motorist should not have been stopped"
English Journal
- [Change in venom-specific IgE levels during 2-year follow-up in five cases with a history of Hymenoptera sting].
- Ono T1, Yoshida M, Nakazono N.
- Arerugī = [Allergy].Arerugi.1997 Nov;46(11):1163-9.
- Levels of specific IgE antibodies to three kinds of venom (honeybee, wasp and yellow jacket) were followed up for two years in five male pest control operators (age: 24 to 50 years) with Hymenoptera sting within the latest six months. At the first examination, all subjects had a positive reaction fo
- PMID 9436334
Japanese Journal
- Even a sardine's head becomes holy: the role of household encyclopedias in sustaining civilisation in pre-industrial Japan
- Yokoyama Toshio
- SANSAI : An Environmental Journal for the Global Community 1, 41-57, 2006-01
- … This paper focuses on the pivotal intermediary of that time, two genres of popular household encyclopedias, setsuyoshii and ozassho: the former providing instruction in ""elegant"" forms of written communication, and the latter in unoffending behaviour towards the numerous gods in heaven and earth. …
- NAID 120001981957
- ハチ刺傷5例におけるハチ特異的IgE抗体価の2年間の推移
- 小野 聡子,吉田 宗弘,中園 直樹
- アレルギー 46(11), 1163-1169, 1997-11-30
- 最近6カ月以内のハチ刺され経験がある男性防疫作業者5名 (年齢:24〜50歳) について, 3種のハチ特異抗体 (honeybee, wasp, yellow jacket) 価の変化を2年間追跡した。初回調査時のハチ特異抗体は全員陽性であったが, 抗体価はクラス2〜5 (0.70〜99.9UA/ml) の範囲で個人差を認め, 刺されたハチの種類とは異なる抗体価の上昇も認められた。追跡期間中に再度 …
- NAID 110002419957
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- Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend: Adj. 1. unoffending - not offending; "an unoffending motorist should not have been stopped" offending - offending against or breaking a law or rule; "contracts offending against ...
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