English Journal
- [New insights into the study of optic nerve diseases].
- Negi A1.
- Nippon Ganka Gakkai zasshi.Nippon Ganka Gakkai Zasshi.2013 Mar;117(3):187-210; discussion 211.
- Optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides a new dimenstion in ophthalmology because it allows evaluation of the pathology in vivo, and provides information to assist the management of macular disease and glaucoma. It is necessary to differentiate the diagnosis of glaucoma from diseases of the opti
- PMID 23631254
- Hair medulla morphology and mechanical properties.
- Wagner R1, Joekes I.
- Journal of cosmetic science.J Cosmet Sci.2007 Jul-Aug;58(4):359-68.
- The morphology of human hair was extensively discussed in the last century, except for hair medulla, mainly because it was believed to have little or no influence on any useful hair property. Early SEM results showed that medulla is formed by unorganized fibrilar material that could be macrofibrils
- PMID 17728936
- Hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita associated with autoimmune hepatitis.
- Roh MR1, Chung HJ, Cho YH, Chung KY.
- The Journal of dermatology.J Dermatol.2006 Aug;33(8):574-6.
- Hypertrichosis lanuginosa acquisita (HLA) is an unusual condition which is characterized by subtle and progressive development of multiple, long, thin, unmedullated hairs ("lanugo hairs") distributed preferentially on the face. Most cases are associated with malignant tumors or non-malignant conditi
- PMID 16923142
Japanese Journal
- モルモット臼歯の神経分布に関する研究 : (付)骨様象牙質の形成状態について
- 各種動物の口腔組織神経分布に関する研究 : (その II)犬、猫の歯牙内神経について
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- un·my·e·li·nat·ed (ŭn-mī'ĕ-li-nāt'ed), Denoting nerve fibers (axons) lacking a myelin sheath. Synonym(s): amyelinated, amyelinic, nonmedullated, nonmyelinated, unmedullated unmedullated See unmyelinated. unmedullated See UNMYELINATED
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