- not possessing qualities befitting a man (同)unmanful, unmanlike
- cause to lose ones nerve; "an unmanning experience"
- 男らしくない,ひきょうな / めめしい,柔弱な
- …‘の'勇気おくじく,…'を'めめしくする
English Journal
- Queering the cosmology of the vikings: a queer analysis of the cult of Odin and "holy white stones".
- Solli B1.
- Journal of homosexuality.J Homosex.2008;54(1-2):192-208. doi: 10.1080/00918360801952085.
- PMID 18771119
- [Wonder matter and assassin. The perception of the asbestos danger as a mirror of the time 1930-1990].
- Janssen JH.
- Gewina.Gewina.2005;28(1):38-53.
- In the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century the ideas of the dangers concerning the use of asbestos changed dramatically. The mineral, which had, more than half a century before been introduced in the Netherlands as a miraculous mineral, was completely banned from use. Asbestos became kno
- PMID 15991441
- [The meanings of masculinity, sexuality, power and violence among adolescents].
- Villaseñor-Farías M1, Castañeda-Torres JD.
- Salud publica de Mexico.Salud Publica Mex.2003;45 Suppl 1:S44-57.
- PMID 12602147
Japanese Journal
- 男らしくない男--デフォーの『シングルトン船長』について
- 傷ついてなんかいない ― 『ルビーフルーツ・ジャングル』のレズビアン・ヒロインと1960年代アメリカ社会 ―
- 大理 奈穂子
- F-GENSジャーナル 8, 29-36, 2007-07
- … This might also explain her sympathy toward unmanly and gay men, whose marginalized masculine status may be more acceptable to Molly. …
- NAID 120000857845
- <美的なもの>と排除の構造 : 一八世紀美学の言説から『フランケンシュタイン』へ
- 長野 順子
- 美学 49(3), 1-12, 1998
- … as a collective image of unnamed Others within Victor himself, which could in turn be projected upon real savages, oriental people, the infamous mobs of the French Revolution or a co rporeal subject of 'unmanly' …
- NAID 110003714299
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- The unmanly chuckle always came, I found, when the poor lady dropped her babe, but the whole thing entranced him; he tried to keep his excitement down by taking huge draughts of water; he forgot all his niceties of conduct; he sat ...
- These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'unmanly.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors.
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