- 無学の,無教育の(uneducated) / 読み書きのできない,文盲の(illiterate)
English Journal
- Temporal trend and associated factors to advanced stage at diagnosis of cervical cancer: analysis of data from hospital based cancer registries in Brazil, 2000-2012.
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- Epidemiologia e servicos de saude : revista do Sistema Unico de Saude do Brasil.Epidemiol Serv Saude.2018;27(2):e2017285. doi: 10.5123/s1679-49742018000200003. Epub 2018 May 7.
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- Starting with the fact that the results in screening for visual deficiencies for pre-school children were not as good as he hoped, the author proposes a clinical and semiological approach and the acquisition of simple and efficient tests with can be made quickly and are not too expensive. The select
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- [Archives, photographies, maps for malary in Latina Province].
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- Medicina nei secoli.Med Secoli.1998;10(3):521-9.
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Japanese Journal
- 無学な修道者アントニオス?:初期修道制研究の一動向
- 神と音の黙契(ちぎり) : 苗族の祭祀芸能にみる響きの古代性(アジア宗教儀礼の比較研究)