- incomprehensibility as a consequence of being unintelligible
English Journal
- 'Just a little hint': bisexual-specific microaggressions and their connection to epistemic injustices.
- Bostwick W1, Hequembourg A.Author information 1a Public Health and Health Education Programs, Northern Illinois University , Illinois , USA.AbstractA growing body of evidence indicates disproportionate rates of mental health disorders among bisexual women compared to both heterosexual and lesbian women. Such disparities are often attributed to stressors related to minority status, including experiences of prejudice and discrimination. Prior research has made little distinction between the prejudicial experiences of bisexual groups as compared to lesbian/gay groups. Based on qualitative data gathered in focus groups with 10, predominantly White, bisexual-identified women, which occurred in a large city in the USA, we posit that differences in prejudicial experiences do exist for bisexual groups, and that such differences reside in the realms of the epistemic, yet have very real implications for bisexual women's daily lived experiences. We discuss everyday slights and insults, also known as microaggressions, reported by the participants vis-à-vis their bisexual identity. These bisexual-specific microaggressions include hostility; denial/dismissal; unintelligibility; pressure to change; lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender legitimacy; dating exclusion; and hypersexuality. We consider how such microaggressions may adversely impact mental health and well-being and may assist in explaining the mental health disparities among bisexual women.
- Culture, health & sexuality.Cult Health Sex.2014 Mar 25. [Epub ahead of print]
- A growing body of evidence indicates disproportionate rates of mental health disorders among bisexual women compared to both heterosexual and lesbian women. Such disparities are often attributed to stressors related to minority status, including experiences of prejudice and discrimination. Prior res
- PMID 24666221
- Evaluation of selected speech parameters after prosthesis supply in patients with maxillary or mandibular defects.
- Müller R1, Höhlein A, Wolf A, Markwardt J, Schulz MC, Range U, Reitemeier B.Author information 1Department of ENT, University Hospital 'Carl Gustav Carus', Technische Universität Dresden, Germany.AbstractBACKGROUND: Ablative surgery of oropharyngeal tumors frequently leads to defects in the speech organs, resulting in impairment of speech up to the point of unintelligibility. The aim of the present study was the assessment of selected parameters of speech with and without resection prostheses.
- Onkologie.Onkologie.2013;36(10):547-52. doi: 10.1159/000355154. Epub 2013 Sep 17.
- BACKGROUND: Ablative surgery of oropharyngeal tumors frequently leads to defects in the speech organs, resulting in impairment of speech up to the point of unintelligibility. The aim of the present study was the assessment of selected parameters of speech with and without resection prostheses.PATIEN
- PMID 24107907
- The effect of cochlear implantation on nasalance of speech in postlingually hearing-impaired adults.
- Hassan SM1, Malki KH, Mesallam TA, Farahat M, Bukhari M, Murry T.Author information 1Communication and Swallowing Disorders Unit (CSDU), ENT Department, King Abdulaziz University Hospital, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.AbstractOBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Hypernasality is considered a prevalent speech abnormality that could significantly contribute to the unintelligibility of the hearing-impaired speakers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cochlear implantation and the duration of hearing loss on nasalance of speech of a postlingually impaired group of Saudi adult patients.
- Journal of voice : official journal of the Voice Foundation.J Voice.2012 Sep;26(5):669.e17-22. doi: 10.1016/j.jvoice.2011.07.014. Epub 2011 Nov 13.
- OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: Hypernasality is considered a prevalent speech abnormality that could significantly contribute to the unintelligibility of the hearing-impaired speakers. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cochlear implantation and the duration of hearing loss on nasalance of
- PMID 22082866
Japanese Journal
- Eigentlichkeit という用語の意味について
- 中橋 誠
- 倫理学年報 67(0), 163-174, 2018
- … Otherwise, the words would be flattened by the common understanding and levelled off to that unintelligibility which functions in turn as a source of illusory problems. …
- NAID 130007622872
- Effects of Trait Curiosities on the Appraisals of Picture Stimuli: Diversive Curiosity and Specific Curiosity
- NISHIKAWA Kazuji,AMEMIYA Toshihiko
- International Journal of Affective Engineering 16(1), 21-25, 2017
- … Participants viewed puzzling and intriguing pictures and rated their unintelligibility and consequential feelings of interest and confusion. … Rather large individual differences in the relations between unintelligibility appraisals and ensuing knowledge emotions of interest and confusion were found. …
- NAID 130005312313
- 1800年のフリードリヒ・シュレーゲルにおける「知解可能性」と「知性」 : 通俗哲学及びコモン・センスに対する批判に注目して
- 山口 沙絵子
- 日本18世紀学会年報 = Annual bulletin of the Japanese Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (31), 38-51, 2016-06
- NAID 40021309511
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- un·in·tel·li·gi·ble (ŭn′ĭn-tĕl′ĭ-jə-bəl) adj. Difficult or impossible to understand or comprehend; incomprehensible: unintelligible remarks; an unintelligible prose passage. un′in·tel′li·gi·bil′i·ty n. un′in·tel′li·gi·bly adv. unintelligibility (ˌʌnɪnˌtɛlɪdʒɪˈbɪlɪtɪ
- unintelligibility, unintelligibleness, noun unintelligibly, adverb Can be confused Expand unintelligent, unintelligible. ... The report adds that Mary Kennedy called 911 three times in 10 minutes later that night, and was all but Found ...
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