- beyond doubt or reproach; "an unimpeachable source"
- 非難(疑問)の余地がない,申し分のない
English Journal
- [The HIV infection - the limits of prevention concepts. Consideration with respect to responsibilities incumbent on the infected individual, politics and society at large].
- Dennin RH1, Doese D, Theobald W, Lafrenz M.
- Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz.Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz.2007 Apr;50(4):458-64.
- Despite the introduction of campaigns to prevent the continued spread of HIV/AIDS in Germany, the number of annual firsttime HIV-diagnoses is continuing steadily. The concepts behind the current campaigns are largely based on models of New Public Health, of which social learning strategies are an es
- PMID 17377719
- The American Thoracic Society's spirometric criteria alone is inadequate in asthma diagnosis.
- Gjevre JA1, Hurst TS, Taylor-Gjevre RM, Cockcroft DW.
- Canadian respiratory journal : journal of the Canadian Thoracic Society.Can Respir J.2006 Nov-Dec;13(8):433-7.
- BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of asthma is based on clinical symptoms, physical examination and pulmonary function tests, and can be very challenging. Most patients with asthma have a significant postbronchodilator response on spirometry indicating airway hyperresponsiveness. However, having a significa
- PMID 17149462
- Assay design and optimization of mutant-enriched PCR based method for detection of K-ras gene mutations in pancreatic carcinoma.
- Ugorcáková J1, Hlavatý T, Babál P, Janega P, Bukovská G, Halgasová N, Hlavatá A, Timko J, Duris I.
- Neoplasma.Neoplasma.2006;53(5):363-71.
- The aim of our work was to develop a fast, reliable and sensitive PCR method to detect K-ras mutations in various clinical samples. There is a need for an unimpeachable method for early diagnosis and/or screening of pancreatic cancer (PC). We optimized and subsequently analyzed four methods based on
- PMID 17013530
Japanese Journal
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- unimpeachableとは。意味や和訳。[形]((形式))〈人・性格などが〉非の打ちどころのない, 申し分のない.-bly[副] - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
- un·im·peach·able adjective \ ˌ ən-im-ˈ pē-chə-bəl\: very reliable and trusted : not able to be doubted or questioned Full Definition of UNIMPEACHABLE: not impeachable: as a: reliable beyond a doubt <unimpeachable evidence> <an unimpeachable ...
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