- (…の)統一,合一《+of+名》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/08/02 17:36:44」(JST)
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Unification may refer to:
- Unification (album), a 1998 album by the band Iron Savior
- Unification (computer science), the act of identifying two terms with a suitable substitution
- Unification (graph theory), the computation of the most general graph that subsumes one or more argument graphs (if such a graph exists)
- Unification (Star Trek: The Next Generation), a two-part episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation
- Unification or re-unification of sovereign states, see political union
- The act of producing an Undisputed Champion in boxing
- The act of producing an Undisputed Championship in professional wrestling
- The concept behind unified field theory in particle physics
- An orthographic issue dealt with by Unicode
See also[edit source | edit]
- Unification Church
- Reunification
- Unified (disambiguation)
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- 1. 頸管無力症 cervical insufficiency
English Journal
- Moving towards the pan-European unification of Multiple Sclerosis Nurses: a consensus paper.
- Ward-Abel N1, Köhler W, Matthews V, Uccelli MM, Mouzawak C, Ross AP, Pyciaková L, Winslow A, Kraus J.
- Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England).Mult Scler.2014 Apr;20(4):403-5. doi: 10.1177/1352458513504250. Epub 2013 Sep 18.
- PMID 24048544
- FAST-id system for enrichment of cells with TALEN-induced mutations and large deletions.
- Tokumasu D1, Sakuma T, Hayashi Y, Hosoi S, Hiyama E, Yamamoto T.Author information 1Department of Mathematical and Life Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University, 1-3-1 Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima, Hiroshima, 739-8526, Japan.AbstractTranscription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN)-mediated genome editing is a powerful technique for analyzing gene functions in various cells and organisms. At target loci, TALENs can not only introduce short insertions and deletions, but also yield large deletions through the use of two TALEN pairs. Here, we report easy and efficient methods for enrichment of cells with TALEN-induced mutations and large deletions. First, we established the fluorescence-activated sorting of TALEN-induced deletions (FAST-id) system that enabled fluorescence-activated cell sorting-mediated enrichment of cells with TALEN-induced mutations. In the FAST-id system, either EGFP or mCherry and TALENs were co-expressed. Using dual fluorescence selection, both left and right TALEN-expressing cells were easily concentrated, resulting in enrichment of TALEN-mediated mutated cells. Next, to apply the FAST-id system to enrichment of cells with large deletions, we developed the fast unification of separate endonucleases (FUSE) method for assembly of two TALENs into a single expression vector. Using the FUSE method, we easily obtained a TALEN pair-expressing plasmid driven by a single promoter. By combining the FAST-id system and FUSE method, cells with large deletions were efficiently enriched. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of enrichment of cells with TALEN-induced large deletions.
- Genes to cells : devoted to molecular & cellular mechanisms.Genes Cells.2014 Mar 18. doi: 10.1111/gtc.12142. [Epub ahead of print]
- Transcription activator-like effector nuclease (TALEN)-mediated genome editing is a powerful technique for analyzing gene functions in various cells and organisms. At target loci, TALENs can not only introduce short insertions and deletions, but also yield large deletions through the use of two TALE
- PMID 24636012
- Drug2Gene: an exhaustive resource to explore effectively the drug-target relation network.
- Roider HG, Pavlova N, Kirov I, Slavov S, Slavov T, Uzunov Z, Weiss B.AbstractBACKGROUND: Information about drug-target relations is at the heart of drug discovery. There are now dozens of databases providing drug-target interaction data with varying scope, and focus. Therefore, and due to the large chemical space, the overlap of the different data sets is surprisingly small. As searching through these sources manually is cumbersome, time-consuming and error-prone, integrating all the data is highly desirable. Despite a few attempts, integration has been hampered by the diversity of descriptions of compounds, and by the fact that the reported activity values, coming from different data sets, are not always directly comparable due to usage of different metrics or data formats.Description: We have built Drug2Gene, a knowledge base, which combines the compound/drug-gene/protein information from 19 publicly available databases. A key feature is our rigorous unification and standardization process which makes the data truly comparable on a large scale, allowing for the first time effective data mining in such a large knowledge corpus. As of version 3.2, Drug2Gene contains 4,372,290 unified relations between compounds and their targets most of which include reported bioactivity data. We extend this set with putative (i.e. homology-inferred) relations where sufficient sequence homology between proteins suggests they may bind to similar compounds. Drug2Gene provides powerful search functionalities, very flexible export procedures, and a user-friendly web interface.
- BMC bioinformatics.BMC Bioinformatics.2014 Mar 11;15(1):68. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Information about drug-target relations is at the heart of drug discovery. There are now dozens of databases providing drug-target interaction data with varying scope, and focus. Therefore, and due to the large chemical space, the overlap of the different data sets is surprisingly small.
- PMID 24618344
Japanese Journal
- インフラ用ロボット情報一元化システムの構築 (特集 先進技術を活用したメンテナンスへ)
- 土木技術資料 = Civil engineering journal : 土木技術の総合情報誌 59(8), 18-21, 2017-08
- NAID 40021268921
- 文在寅政権が抱える安全保障と統一のジレンマ (特集 北朝鮮危機を克服できるか)
- カリキュラム改善における園外の保育経験者による評価導入の試み
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