- (of birds) not yet having developed feathers; "a small unfledged sparrow on the window sill" (同)immature
- (of an arrow) not equipped with feathers; "shot an unfledged arrow" (同)fledgeless, unvaned
- (ひな鳥が)まだ羽がはえそろっていない / 経験不足の,未熟な
English Journal
- Salmonella enterica serotypes isolated from squabs reveal multidrug resistance and a distinct pathogenicity gene repertoire.
- Osman KM, Marouf SH, Mehana OA, AlAtfeehy N.
- Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics).Rev Sci Tech.2014 Dec;33(3):997-1006.
- The consumption of squab (young unfledged pigeons) as part of the cuisine of many countries, together with the observation that squabs are vectors of zoonotic agents, may make them a public health risk. This study was designed to determine the serotypes, distribution of 11 virulence genes (invA, avr
- PMID 25812222
- Juveniles and migrants as drivers for seasonal epizootics of avian influenza virus.
- van Dijk JG1, Hoye BJ, Verhagen JH, Nolet BA, Fouchier RA, Klaassen M.
- The Journal of animal ecology.J Anim Ecol.2014 Jan;83(1):266-75. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.12131. Epub 2013 Sep 4.
- Similar to other infectious diseases, the prevalence of low pathogenic avian influenza viruses (LPAIV) has been seen to exhibit marked seasonal variation. However, mechanisms driving this variation in wild birds have yet to be tested. We investigated the validity of three previously suggested driver
- PMID 24033258
- Adaptive host-abandonment of ectoparasites before fledging? Within-brood distribution of nest mites in house sparrow broods.
- Szabó K1, Szalmás A, Liker A, Barta Z.
- The Journal of parasitology.J Parasitol.2008 Oct;94(5):1038-43. doi: 10.1645/GE-1150.1.
- We studied the within-brood distribution of a haematophagous mite Pellonyssus reedi living on nestling house sparrows (Passer domesticus) near the time of fledging. We measured the natural level of infestation of individual nestlings, and determined the feeding efficiency of mites, by scoring their
- PMID 18576698
- Functional anatomy of forebrain auditory pathways in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus).
- Brauth SE1, Heaton JT, Durand SE, Liang W, Hall WS.
- Brain, behavior and evolution.Brain Behav Evol.1994;44(4-5):210-33.
- Interconnections of forebrain auditory and vocal control nuclei were mapped in the budgerigar using pathway tracing techniques. The anatomical results indicate four circuits by which auditory information may influence the vocal motor system: (1) direct auditory thalamic projections from nucleus dors
- PMID 7842282
Japanese Journal
- 音声認識技術を用いたオオタカの生息有無と繁殖段階の簡易判定法の試作
- 上野 裕介,栗原 正夫
- 土木学会論文集G(環境) 72(6), II_341-II_349, 2016
- 各種の建設事業や自然環境調査において,猛禽類の生息状況が調査されている.猛禽類の調査は,目視観察や現地踏査といった膨大な調査努力量が必要な調査が行われる一方,発見漏れ等の課題もある.そこで本研究では,簡易に猛禽類の現地調査を行うための技術開発を目的として,オオタカ<i>Accipiter gentilis</i>を対象に,音声認識を用いた生息判定技術の開発を試みた.まず,巣 …
- NAID 130005589352
- 実習生の保育者アイデンティティの形成過程についての実証的研究 : 保育者モデルの影響と保育者アイデンティティ「私は保育者になる」の関連
- 小泉 裕子,田爪 宏二,Yuko KOIZUMI,Hirotsugu TAZUME
- 鎌倉女子大学紀要 = The journal of Kamakura Women's University (12), 13-23, 2005-03-31
- … The kindergarten-teacher trainees have to undergo assessment of their quality and aptitude at kindergartens where, at the same time, they are treated as unfledged. …
- NAID 120006373556
- 実習生の保育者アイデンティティの形成過程についての実証的研究 : 保育者モデルの影響と保育者アイデンティティ「私は保育者になる」の関連
- 小泉 裕子,田爪 宏二
- 鎌倉女子大学紀要 12, 13-23, 2005-03-31
- … The kindergarten-teacher trainees have to undergo assessment of their quality and aptitude at kindergartens where, at the same time, they are treated as unfledged. …
- NAID 110004499782
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- I felt I had been conducting myself in an unfledged girlish fashion, and that Ruth, with her staid common sense, was reproving me. Esther Rosa Nouchette Carey Bravely did this young Absalom defend his unfledged royalty. ...
- How would you define unfledged? Add your definition here. Also Mentioned In callow eyas gull juvenile squab young Words near unfledged in the dictionary unflavoured unflawed unflayed unflecked unfledged unflesh unfleshed ...
- Something that is unfledged is young and inexperienced, such as an unfledged short story writer who has great style but whose stories have plots that are impossible to follow.
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