- 不安,懸念
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- 1. 第一世代(定型)抗精神病剤中毒 first generation typical antipsychotic medication poisoning
English Journal
- Educational Research Report: Changes in Students' Levels of Empathy during the Didactic Portion of a Veterinary Program.
- Schoenfeld-Tacher RM, Kogan LR, Meyer-Parsons B, Royal KD, Shaw JR.
- Journal of veterinary medical education.J Vet Med Educ.2015 Fall;42(3):194-205. doi: 10.3138/jvme.0115-007R. Epub 2015 Jun 15.
- Empathy can be defined as the ability to understand and connect with the emotional state and frame of mind of another. Establishing connections with others is a crucial skill for veterinarians who must earn the trust and compliance of their clients to provide quality care for their patients. This is
- PMID 26075622
- Framing 'fracking': Exploring public perceptions of hydraulic fracturing in the United Kingdom.
- Williams L1, Macnaghten P2, Davies R3, Curtis S4.
- Public understanding of science (Bristol, England).Public Underst Sci.2015 Jul 13. pii: 0963662515595159. [Epub ahead of print]
- The prospect of fracking in the United Kingdom has been accompanied by significant public unease. We outline how the policy debate is being framed by UK institutional actors, finding evidence of a dominant discourse in which the policy approach is defined through a deficit model of public understand
- PMID 26170264
- 'That doesn't translate': the role of evidence-based practice in disempowering speech pathologists in acute aphasia management.
- Foster A1,2, Worrall L1,2, Rose M1,3, O'Halloran R1,3.
- International journal of language & communication disorders / Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists.Int J Lang Commun Disord.2015 Jul;50(4):547-63. doi: 10.1111/1460-6984.12155. Epub 2015 Feb 4.
- BACKGROUND: An evidence-practice gap has been identified in current acute aphasia management practice, with the provision of services to people with aphasia in the acute hospital widely considered in the literature to be inconsistent with best-practice recommendations. The reasons for this evidence-
- PMID 25652316
Japanese Journal
- Journal of wellness and health care = Journal of wellness and health care 42(1), 95-103, 2018-08-01
- NAID 120006498378
- Enchantment and Disenchantment in Wordsworth's 1820 Rhine Poems
- 人文科学研究 : キリスト教と文化 : Christianity and culture (48), 169-223, 2016-12
- NAID 120006246707
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