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- underutilization、underutilized
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English Journal
- Underuse and Overuse of Colonoscopy for Repeat Screening and Surveillance in the Veterans Health Administration.
- Murphy CC1, Sandler RS2, Grubber JM3, Johnson MR4, Fisher DA3.
- Clinical gastroenterology and hepatology : the official clinical practice journal of the American Gastroenterological Association.Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol.2016 Mar;14(3):436-444.e1. doi: 10.1016/j.cgh.2015.10.008. Epub 2015 Oct 19.
- BACKGROUND & AIMS: Regular screening with colonoscopy lowers colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. We aimed to determine patterns of repeat and surveillance colonoscopy and identify factors associated with overuse and underuse of colonoscopy.METHODS: We analyzed data from participants in a
- PMID 26492843
- National Utilization Patterns of Steroid Injection and Operative Intervention for Treatment of Common Hand Conditions.
- Sears ED1, Swiatek PR2, Chung KC3.
- The Journal of hand surgery.J Hand Surg Am.2016 Mar;41(3):367-373.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jhsa.2015.11.021. Epub 2016 Jan 7.
- PURPOSE: To conduct a population-level analysis of practice trends and probability of surgery based on the number of steroid injections for common hand conditions.METHODS: Patients aged at least 18 years receiving injection or surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), trigger finger (TF), or de Quer
- PMID 26774548
- Using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) of Key Informant Interviews in Health Services Research: Enhancing a Study of Adjuvant Therapy Use in Breast Cancer Care.
- McAlearney AS1, Walker D, Moss AD, Bickell NA.
- Medical care.Med Care.2016 Feb 22. [Epub ahead of print]
- BACKGROUND: Qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) is a methodology created to address causal complexity in social sciences research by preserving the objectivity of quantitative data analysis without losing detail inherent in qualitative research. However, its use in health services research (HSR)
- PMID 26908085
Japanese Journal
- 日本語学習者と母語話者の産出語彙の相違 : I-JASの異なるタスクを用いた比較
- 特集論考 農村が育む植物の多様性と保全 (特集 農業・農村が育む生物多様性 : 自然共生社会に向けての農村計画の役割)
- Regional Variation in the Use of Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Japan
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- underuse Health care The failure to provide a medical intervention when it is likely to produce a favorable outcome for a Pt–eg, failure to give influenza vaccine to an elderly Pt with DM. Cf Misuse, Overuse. underuse (un'der-us?) Failure ...
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- vt.
- 十分に活用しない
- to fail to utilize fully
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- underuse、underutilization
- 英
- underuse、underutilization、underutilized
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- 未利用
- 関
- underuse、underutilized
- 英
- underuse
- 関
- 未活用