- having little or no knowledge of; "unacquainted with city ways" (同)unacquainted with, unfamiliar with
English Journal
- Nut clusters and crisps: atrocity stories and co-narration in interviews with approved mental health professionals.
- Morriss L1.
- Sociology of health & illness.Sociol Health Illn.2015 Sep;37(7):1072-85. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.12285. Epub 2015 Apr 29.
- The article explores the telling of co-narrated atrocity stories in accomplishing professional identity. Building on previous work, it is argued that group membership is a prerequisite for such stories to be told. Extracts from empirical data from interviews with social work approved mental health p
- PMID 25922979
- Positively Biased Self-Perceptions in Children with ADHD: Unique Predictor of Future Maladjustment.
- Jia M1, Jiang Y, Mikami AY.
- Journal of abnormal child psychology.J Abnorm Child Psychol.2015 Jul 24. [Epub ahead of print]
- This study assessed children's overestimations of self-competence (positively biased self-perceptions or positive bias [PB]) relative to parent/teacher ratings of children's competence in predicting children's adjustment in a new setting. Eighty-five children (13 boys and 11 girls with Attention-Def
- PMID 26206117
- Peer Preference and Friendship Quantity in Children with Externalizing Behavior: Distinct Influences on Bully Status and Victim Status.
- Jia M1, Mikami AY.
- Journal of abnormal child psychology.J Abnorm Child Psychol.2015 Jul;43(5):957-69. doi: 10.1007/s10802-014-9956-8.
- This study investigated the predictive relations between externalizing behavior, peer preference and friendship quantity, and bully status and victim status among children becoming acquainted with one another for the first time. Children ages 6.8-9.8 years (24 with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Di
- PMID 25411126
Japanese Journal
- 初対面における「ほめ」と話題展開について (一般,特別セッション 話題展開のプラクティス)
- SounDrink : 生体抵抗を用いた食事を楽しくする機器の開発(ポスター(生活支援・アート・可視化),映像表現・芸術科学フォーラム2013)
- 北山 史朗,迎山 和司
- 映像情報メディア学会技術報告 37(17), 247-250, 2013-03-08
- 飲み会や懇親会といったような,同じ食卓を囲むという行為は,あまり交友のない人同士が親睦を深めるための大きな役割を担っている.しかしながら,同じ食卓を囲んでいても,あまり交友がないために,盛り上がらなかったり会話が弾まなかったりと,親睦を深めることができないことがある.そこで,食事を楽しくすることは,コミュニケーションのきっかけとなると考え,本研究では飲み物を飲む際に効果音を鳴らし,食事を楽しくする …
- NAID 110009598217
- 渡辺 大介,湯澤 正通
- 教育心理学研究 60(2), 117-126, 2012
- 本研究の目的は, 5, 6歳児における社会的比較と自己評価の変動の関連を明らかにすること, および自己評価維持モデルを参考に, 自己評価の変動にかかわる要因を検討することであった。調査1では, 5, 6歳児63名が運動, 芸術, 知的, 社会的の4領域で, 自己, 理想の友人, 実際の友人の能力評価を行った。調査2では, 5, 6歳児67名が運動, 芸術の2領域で, 一番好きな活動と嫌いな活動に …
- NAID 130003376554
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- Unacquainted definition, having personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.; informed (usually followed by with): to be acquainted with law. See more. ... But, after all, it was not so easy; no easier than for one unacquainted ...
- Before this I was not unacquainted with the more obvious laws of electricity. The country was covered with snow, and I was unacquainted with the road. Not so, however, his assertions that he was unacquainted with any of the ...
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