- 関
- peritoneal tuberculosis
- inflammation of the peritoneum (同)peritoneal inflammation
- 結核(性)の・ゲッカコウ(月下香)(ヒガンバナ科の球根植物)
- 腹膜炎
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English Journal
- A case of tuberculous peritonitis in childhood.
- Avcu G1, Sensoy G2, Karli A3, Caltepe G4, Sullu Y5, Belet N6, Bilgici MC7.
- Journal of infection and public health.J Infect Public Health.2015 Jul-Aug;8(4):369-72. doi: 10.1016/j.jiph.2015.03.004. Epub 2015 Apr 11.
- Currently, tuberculosis remains a major public health problem worldwide. Peritoneal tuberculosis occurs in approximately 1% of all of tuberculosis cases and is rarely observed in children. Diagnosis and treatment delays caused by mimicking many other intra-abdominal diseases can lead to increases in
- PMID 25868903
- [A Case of Paradoxical Reaction Development during Antituberculosis Therapy].
- Cho YB1, Chu MS1, Ryu HS1, Choi SC1, Seo GS1.
- The Korean journal of gastroenterology = Taehan Sohwagi Hakhoe chi.Korean J Gastroenterol.2015 May 25;65(5):306-11. doi: 10.4166/kjg.2015.65.5.306.
- Paradoxical reaction during antituberculosis therapy is defined as aggravation of preexisting tuberculous lesions or the develop-ment of new lesions. A 24-year-old female college student diagnosed with abdominal and pulmonary tuberculosis presented with fever and abdominal pain after having been tre
- PMID 25998977
- Surgical treatment of lumbosacral tuberculosis by one-stage debridement and anterior instrumentation with allograft through an extraperitoneal anterior approach.
- Li JH1, Zhang ZH2, Shi T3, Dai F4, Zhou Q5, Luo F6, Hou TY7, He QY8, Deng MY9, Xu JZ10.
- Journal of orthopaedic surgery and research.J Orthop Surg Res.2015 May 10;10(1):62. doi: 10.1186/s13018-015-0204-x.
- BACKGROUND: This study was aimed to investigate the clinical outcome of lumbosacral tuberculosis treatment by one-stage radical debridement with bone allograft reconstruction and anterior instrumentation via a retroperitoneal approach.METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed a series of 43 patients with
- PMID 25958001
Japanese Journal
- リンパ節生検が診断に有用であった肝硬変に合併した結核性腹膜炎,結核性リンパ節炎の1例
- 寺師 貴啓,中村 俊彦,大田 隆司,田原 光一郎,穴井 秀明,森内 昭
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japan Surgical Association 73(4), 942-946, 2012-04-25
- NAID 10030987953
- QuantiFERON^【○!R】TB-2G を診断の契機とし, 腹腔鏡検査にて確定診断に至った結核性腹膜炎の1例
- 平松 慎介,木岡 清英,丸山 紘嗣,末包 剛久,山崎 智朗,中井 隆志,佐野 弘治,川崎 靖子,根引 浩子,佐藤 博之
- 日本消化器内視鏡学会雑誌 = Gastroenterological endoscopy 54(4), 1485-1489, 2012-04-20
- 症例は70歳,男性.近医の腹部エコーで腹水を指摘された.腹水の原因となり得るような既往歴はなく,血液検査で炎症反応とCA125の上昇(107.8U/ml)を,画像検査で少量~中等量の腹水を認めるのみであった.腹水中のadenosine deaminase(ADA)が81.7IU/l,CA125が241U/mlと上昇していたが,悪性細胞は認めなかった.<BR>QuantiF …
- NAID 10030649649
Related Links
- Peritoneal tuberculosis is an uncommon site of extrapulmonary infection caused byMycobacterium tuberculosis(TB). The risk is increased in patients with cirrhosis, HIV infection, diabetes mellitus, underlying malignancy, following ...
- tuberculous peritonitis Etymology: L, tuber + Gk, peri + teinein, to stretch, itis, inflammation an inflammation of the peritoneum that is secondary to a tuberculous infection in the viscera. tu·ber·cu·lous per·i·to·ni·tis peritonitis caused ...
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- 英
- tuberculous peritonitis、peritoneal tuberculosis
- ラ
- peritonitis tuberculosa
- 関
- 腹膜結核、腹膜炎
- 関
- tuberculous peritonitis
- 関
- TB、tuberculosis