- 関
- trichothiodystrophy、TTD
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/03/09 09:28:16」(JST)
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Trichorrhexis can refer to:
- Trichorrhexis invaginata
- Trichorrhexis nodosa
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English Journal
- Hair and scalp disorders in ethnic populations.
- Rodney IJ, Onwudiwe OC, Callender VD, Halder RM.SourceDepartment of Dermatology, Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA.
- Journal of drugs in dermatology : JDD.J Drugs Dermatol.2013 Apr;12(4):420-7.
- Human hair has been classified into 3 major groups, as determined by ethnic origin. In these populations, significant structural and biochemical variations of the hair follicle and shaft are seen, as well as unique hair grooming practices. These structural variations of the hair are closely linked t
- PMID 23652889
- Hair-shaft abnormality in a 7-year-old girl. Trichorrhexis nodosa dueto biotinidase deficiency.
- Lünnemann L, Vogt A, Blume-Peytavi U, Garcia Bartels N.SourceCharité-Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- JAMA dermatology (Chicago, Ill.).JAMA Dermatol.2013 Mar;149(3):357-63. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.1490a 10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.1490b.
- PMID 23552716
- Dermoscopy for the pediatric dermatologist part I: dermoscopy of pediatric infectious and inflammatory skin lesions and hair disorders.
- Haliasos EC, Kerner M, Jaimes-Lopez N, Rudnicka L, Zalaudek I, Malvehy J, Hofmann-Wellenhof R, Braun RP, Marghoob AA.SourceMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, Hauppauge, New York 11788, USA.
- Pediatric dermatology.Pediatr Dermatol.2013 Mar-Apr;30(2):163-71. doi: 10.1111/pde.12097. Epub 2013 Feb 14.
- The dermoscope allows physicians to examine the macroscopic and microscopic primary morphology of skin lesions, identify subtle clinical clues, confirm naked-eye clinical diagnoses, and monitor treatment progress while posing little threat to the young patient. This review summarizes important dermo
- PMID 23405886
Japanese Journal
Related Links
- trichorrhexis [trik″o-rek´sis] the condition in which the hairs are split and feather-like. trichorrhexis nodo´sa a condition marked by fracture and splitting of the cortex of a hair into strands, giving the appearance of white nodes at which ...
- trichorrhexis trich·or·rhex·is (trĭk'ə-rěk'sĭs) n. A condition in which the hairs readily break or split. Also called trichoschisis.
- 英
- trichothiodystrophy、trichorrhexis、TTD
- 関
- 硫黄欠乏性毛髪発育異常症、裂毛、テイ症候群、毛髪縦裂症
- 同
- 躯幹横径
- 英
- trichorrhexis
- 関
- 裂毛症