- someone who marks a trail by leaving blazes on trees
- (山野で)目印をつけて道順を示す人 / (ある分野の)開拓者,先駆者,草分け
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/09/10 00:08:13」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 先駆者、草分けを意味する英語。
- トレイルブレイザー (競走馬) - 日本の競走馬。
- トレイルブレイザー (アメリカ国家安全保障局) - アメリカ合衆国国家安全保障局 (NSA) の通信傍受プログラム。
- トレイルブレイザー (モノレール) - アメリカ合衆国テキサス州ダラスのフェア・パークにあったモノレール。
- シボレー・トレイルブレイザー - シボレーの SUV。
- ポートランド・トレイルブレイザーズ - アメリカ合衆国オレゴン州ポートランドに本拠を置く全米プロバスケットボール協会 (NBA) のチーム。
- アメリカ合衆国のTelebit(英語版)が製造していたモデム。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up trailblazer in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Trailblazer may refer to:
- Trail blazing, a person who marks a trail through wilderness areas
In sports:
- Portland Trail Blazers, a basketball team based in Portland, Oregon
- North Carolina Trailblazers, a US women's recreational ice hockey association
- Derby Trailblazers, a British semi-professional basketball team
- Southampton Trailblazers, a British basketball club
In transportation and travel:
- The Chevrolet TrailBlazer, a sport utility vehicle made by General Motors
- Trailblazer (travel), an independent British publisher of travel, trekking, and railway route guides
- Trailblazer Travel Books, a US series of guidebooks focusing on Hawaii
- Trail Blazer (passenger train), a Pennsylvania Railroad train, which ran from Chicago to New York, via Pittsburgh
- Toyota Trekker, another name for the Toyota Trailblazer
- A highway shield and route marker roadside sign assembly
In technology and computing:
- Trailblazer Project, a NSA programme to track communication methods such as cell phones and email
- Trailblazer (satellite), a technology demonstration satellite, which was to have been operated by the US Air Force and MDA
- Trailblazer (video game), a 1986 video game by Gremlin Graphics, later updated for the Gizmondo
- Cosmic Causeway: Trailblazer II, its sequel
- Trailblazer-class cruiser starship in Lightspeed_(video_game)
- The Telebit TrailBlazer, a 1980s–1990s high speed modem
- The codename of Borland's InterBase database version 2007
In media:
- Trailblazer (album), a 1990 live album by punk band ALL
- Trail Blazer (album), an album by the Turkish heavy metal band Mezarkabul
- Trailblazers (Community Channel TV series), a British TV show on UK Community Channel
- Trailblazers (XLEAGUE.TV series), a British TV show on XLEAGUE.TV
- NAACP Theatre Award – Trailblazer Award, an award presented to an individual who has made their mark in the entertainment industry
- Trail Blazer Award (MMVA Award), a defunct MMVA award
- Daniel Boone, Trail Blazer, a 1956 American film
- Albert Pendarvis, more commonly known as The Old Trailblazer, a Christian broadcaster
- The Trail Blazers (film series) a 1940 series of B Westerns made by Monogram Pictures
In other uses:
- Trailblazer (roller coaster), a rollercoaster at Hersheypark, USA
- Trailblazer Pipeline, a natural gas pipeline that brings natural gas from Colorado into Nebraska
- Operation Trailblazer, a coalition military operation in the Iraq War
See also
- Blazer (disambiguation), a common truncation of Trailblazer
English Journal
- MS trailblazer on the art of medicine.
- Vogel L1.
- CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne.CMAJ.2015 Jan 12. pii: cmaj.109-4971. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 25583666
- Redox pioneer: professor Helmut Sies.
- Jones DP1, Radi R.
- Antioxidants & redox signaling.Antioxid Redox Signal.2014 Dec 20;21(18):2459-68. doi: 10.1089/ars.2014.6037. Epub 2014 Oct 9.
- Dr. Helmut Sies (MD, 1967) is recognized as a Redox Pioneer, because he authored five articles on oxidative stress, lycopene, and glutathione, each of which has been cited more than 1000 times, and coauthored an article on hydroperoxide metabolism in mammalian systems cited more than 5000 times (Goo
- PMID 25178739
- In memoriam: Frank T. Padberg, Sr., MD, FACS: ACS department director, DSA recipient, and trailblazer in neurosurgery.
- Padberg FT Jr.
- Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons.Bull Am Coll Surg.2014 Jun;99(6):73-4.
- PMID 24946674
Japanese Journal
- リゾート開発に狂奔した"投資銀行"のリスク増幅的行動 : 平松銀行頭取平松甚四郎のリスク選好を中心に (特集 ファイナンス、経済経営リスクの諸問題 : 有馬敏則教授の退職を記念して)
- 小川 功
- 彦根論叢 -(390) (-), 78-90, 2011
- … It would be safe to say that Hiramatsu was a trailblazer for tourism investment in Japan anda classic example of a man who loved taking risks. …
- NAID 40019258739
- 9月11日以後のアメリカと現在のTrailblazer
- リポソーム形成装置「ザ・エクストルーダー」(リポナイザー)・付属材料「ニュクリポァー・メンブレン」・粒径分布 : ゼータ電位測定装置「ナイコンプ380/ZLS」
- 山田 栄一,増沢 光信
- 膜 23(1), 44-46, 1998-01-01
- … In this sense, the Liponizer, a high pressure extrusion system, is a trailblazer for massproduction of various liposomal drugs.<BR>The size and the zeta potential of particles of emulsion are easily measurable within a short period by the handy and compact Nicomp 380 ZLS. …
- NAID 10009857620
Related Links
- Trailblazer(奥村燐(岡本信彦))の歌詞を表示 : (歌いだし)産声をあげる場所を人は誰も 歌ネットは無料の歌詞検索サービスです。
- 日本GM によるシボレーブランドのサイト。製品紹介とニュース。
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