- forbidden to the touch; "in most museums such articles are untouchable"
- belongs to lowest social and ritual class in India (同)Harijan
- ( especially used in traditional Hindu belief of the lowest caste or castes) defiling
- beyond the reach of criticism or attack or impeachment; "for the first time criticism was directed at a hitherto untouchable target"- Newsweek
- 触れることのできる
- 触れてはならない / 遠すぎて手が届かない;統制の及ばない / (不愉快で)触れる気になれない;さわると危険な / 不可触賎民(インドの最下層民)
English Journal
- 3D touchable holographic light-field display.
- Yamaguchi M, Higashida R.
- Applied optics.Appl Opt.2016 Jan 20;55(3):A178-83. doi: 10.1364/AO.55.00A178.
- We propose a new type of 3D user interface: interaction with a light field reproduced by a 3D display. The 3D display used in this work reproduces a 3D light field, and a real image can be reproduced in midair between the display and the user. When using a finger to touch the real image, the light f
- PMID 26835952
- Environmental Contamination and Viral Shedding in MERS Patients During MERS-CoV Outbreak in South Korea.
- Bin SY1, Heo JY2, Song MS3, Lee J1, Kim EH3, Park SJ4, Kwon HI4, Kim SM4, Kim YI4, Si YJ4, Lee IW4, Baek YH3, Choi WS3, Min J2, Jeong HW2, Choi YK4.
- Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America.Clin Infect Dis.2016 Mar 15;62(6):755-60. doi: 10.1093/cid/civ1020. Epub 2015 Dec 17.
- BACKGROUND: Although Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) is characterized by a risk of nosocomial transmission, the detailed mode of transmission and period of virus shedding from infected patients are poorly understood. The aims of this study were to investigate the potential ro
- PMID 26679623
- Fundamental properties of a touchable high-power pulsed microplasma jet and its application as a desorption/ionization source for ambient mass spectrometry.
- Iwai T1, Kakegawa K, Okumura K, Kanamori-Kataoka M, Miyahara H, Seto Y, Okino A.
- Journal of mass spectrometry : JMS.J Mass Spectrom.2014 Jun;49(6):522-8. doi: 10.1002/jms.3368.
- Plasma-based ambient desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (ADI-MS) has attracted considerable attention in many fields because of its capacity for direct sample analyses. In this study, a high-power pulsed microplasma jet (HPPMJ) was developed and investigated as a new plasma desorption/ionizatio
- PMID 24913404
Japanese Journal
- 動的に変化する複合現実型視覚刺激が重さ知覚に与える影響(<特集>複合現実感6)
- 佐野 洋平,橋口 哲志,柴田 史久,木村 朝子
- 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌 19(2), 255-264, 2014-06-30
- … In a Mixed-Reality (MR) environment, the appearance of touchable objects can be changed by superimposing a computer-generated image (CGI) onto them (MR visual stimulation). …
- NAID 110009830249
- 動的に変化する複合現実型視覚刺激が重さ知覚に与える影響の分析
- 橋口 哲志,佐野 洋平,柴田 史久,木村 朝子
- 研究報告コンピュータビジョンとイメージメディア(CVIM) 2014-CVIM-190(51), 1-6, 2014-01-16
- … In a Mixed-Reality (MR) environment, the appearance of touchable objects can be changed by superimposing a computer-generated image (CGI) onto them (MR visual stimulation). … In a Mixed-Reality (MR) environment, the appearance of touchable objects can be changed by superimposing a computer-generated image (CGI) onto them (MR visual stimulation). …
- NAID 170000080576
- ARM9 - Based Real-Time Positioning and Navigational System for Mobile Vehicles(ICSANE 2013(International Conference on Space, Aeronautical and Navigational Electronics)
- TRINH Minh Chi,HA Duyen Tnmg,LE Duy Truong,NGUYEN Thi Nga,HOANG Van Dung,TA Hai Tung
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. SANE, 宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス 113(335), 93-98, 2013-11-25
- … Practical results show that having a limited processing ability, mini2440 ARM9 fulfils our expectations of fundamental functions from receiving and processing positioning data to display current position, moving history, and navigating vehicle movement on the touchable screen. …
- NAID 110009903321
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