- a network of tiny blood vessels between the cerebral surface of the pia mater and the cerebral cortex (同)tomentum cerebri
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/09/06 23:55:32」(JST)
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Tomentum may refer to:
- Plant trichomes, a covering of closely matted or fine hairs on plant leaves.
- Tomentum, short, soft pubescence or a covering of fine, soft hairs.
- A network of minute blood vessels in the brain.
English Journal
- A new species of spiny Solanum (Solanaceae) from Peru.
- Stern SR1.
- PhytoKeys.PhytoKeys.2014 Jun 20;(39):27-34. doi: 10.3897/phytokeys.39.7513. eCollection 2014.
- A new species of Solanum is described from Peru. Solanum junctum S. Stern & M. Nee, sp nov. is a member of the Torva clade of the spiny solanums (Leptostemonum clade). The narrow corolla lobes and recurved prickles of Solanum junctum are similar to species in the Micracantha clade, but Solanum j
- PMID 25197223
- Cardinal characters on a slippery slope--a re-evaluation of phylogeny, character evolution, and evolutionary rates in the jelly lichens (Collemataceae s. str).
- Otálora MA1, Aragón G, Martínez I, Wedin M.
- Molecular phylogenetics and evolution.Mol Phylogenet Evol.2013 Aug;68(2):185-98. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2013.04.004. Epub 2013 Apr 12.
- Recent molecular systematic studies have indicated that the traits currently used for generic delimitation in the jelly lichens (Collemataceae s. str.), may not characterize monophyletic groups. Here we reconstruct the phylogeny of Collemataceae using Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses based o
- PMID 23587718
- New species causing decay on living Polylepis australis in Cordoba, central Argentina.
- Robledo G1, Urcelay C, Rajchenberg M.
- Mycologia.Mycologia.2003 Mar-Apr;95(2):347-53.
- Two new species of poroid Hymenochaetaceae (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycota) are described and illustrated. They were causing decay on living and standing dead Polylepis australis ("tabaquillo" or "queñoa") in the Córdoba Mountains in central Argentina. Inonotus serranus is characterized by a biann
- PMID 21156621
Japanese Journal
- 服部 力,Mahesh Kumar Adhikari,須田 隆 [他],土居 祥兌
- Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series B, Botany 28(2), 27-38, 2002-06
- … montanum is characterized by the duplex context with white and fibrous tomentum, tubular hymenophore with regular pores, and cylindrical basidiospores measured 5.2-6.5×1.2-2.0μm. …
- NAID 110004702079
- 武田 正倫,永井 誠一
- Bulletin of the National Science Museum. Series A, Zoology 9(2), 45-49, 1983-06
- … The new species is the sixth in Globopilumnus and readily distinguished from the known five species by its characteristic tomentum with a more or less labyrinth appearance. …
- NAID 110004311983
- 酒井 恒
- 甲殻類の研究 (3), 68-83, 1967-07-10
- … The dorsal surface of carapace is thickly covered with a fine tomentum. …
- NAID 110002698399
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- tomentumとは。意味や和訳。[名詞] (pl. -ta[-tə])1 〔植物〕 〔昆虫〕 ビロード毛,綿毛.2 〔解剖〕 大脳血管網:脳軟膜と大脳皮質の間の小血管の集合.[語源]1699.<近代ラテン語,ラテン語「クッション用の(羊毛や毛などの ...
- Head silvery white, frontalia deep black, linear; tomentum of the thorax and of the abdomen more whitish than that of the female. ... tomentum to·men·tum (tō-měn'təm) n. pl. to·men·ta (-tə) A network of extremely small blood vessels ...
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