- (sports) an official who keeps track of the time elapsed (同)timer
- a clerk who keeps track of the hours worked by employees
- (競技・作業などの)時間記録係,計時員 / 時計
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For the Disney attraction, see The Timekeeper.
A timekeeper (also spelled time keeper and time-keeper) is an instrument or person that measures the passage of time.
- 1 Time keeper Job
- 2 Timekeeper instrument
- 3 See also
- 4 Newsgroup
- 5 External links
Time keeper Job
In the case of a job occupation, the timekeeper is a person who measures time with the assistance of a clock or stopwatch. In addition, the timekeeper records time, time taken, or time remaining during events such as sports matches.
Timekeeper instrument
A timekeeper is often referred to as a time clock, which tracks employee time. Collecting such data gives employers insight into their workforce. They can then make operational decisions to increase productivity and reduce labor costs.
See also
- Allan variance
- Atomic clock
- Fully Automatic Time
- Horology
- Jikijitsu
- Meeting Roles
- Referee
- Sense of time
- Stopwatch
- Time clock
- Timesheet
- Time tracking software
- Time Machine
External links
- A Walk Through Time at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
- "Treatise for Observers on Constructing the Circle of Projection" is a manuscript, in Arabic, from 1473, about timekeeping.
English Journal
- Lunisolar tidal force and its relationship to chlorophyll fluorescence in Arabidopsis thaliana.
- Fisahn J1, Klingelé E2, Barlow P3.
- Plant signaling & behavior.Plant Signal Behav.2015 Sep 16:0. [Epub ahead of print]
- The yield of chlorophyll fluorescence Ft was measured in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana over periods of several days under conditions of continuous illumination (LL) without the application of saturating light pulses. After linearization of the time series of the chlorophyll fluorescence yield (ΔFt
- PMID 26376108
- Sirtuin-dependent clock control: new advances in metabolism, aging and cancer.
- Masri S1.
- Current opinion in clinical nutrition and metabolic care.Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care.2015 Sep 12. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The circadian clock is an intricate biological timekeeper that is subject to fine-tuning mechanisms in order to maintain synchrony with the surrounding environment. One such mechanism is performed by the mammalian sirtuins that provide plasticity to the circadian clock by sensing
- PMID 26335311
- CMA33/XCT Regulates Small RNA Production through Modulating the Transcription of Dicer-Like Genes in Arabidopsis.
- Fang X1, Shi Y1, Lu X2, Chen Z3, Qi Y4.
- Molecular plant.Mol Plant.2015 Aug 3;8(8):1227-36. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2015.03.002. Epub 2015 Mar 11.
- Small RNAs (sRNAs) play important regulatory roles in various aspects of plant biology. They are processed from double-stranded RNA precursors by Dicer-like (DCL) proteins. There are three major classes of sRNAs in Arabidopsis: DCL1-dependent microRNA (miRNA), DCL3-dependent heterochromatic siRNA (h
- PMID 25770820
- SIRT1 in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus: A Nutrient Sensor Input Into the Internal Timekeeper.
- Girardet C1, Burris TP, Butler AA.
- Endocrinology.Endocrinology.2015 Jun;156(6):1936-8. doi: 10.1210/en.2015-1346.
- PMID 25978598
Japanese Journal
- 自己の内的テンポを考慮した二者間の協調的リズム生成のモデル化
- 緒方 大樹,竹中 毅,上田 完次
- 計測自動制御学会論文集 44(12), 986-995, 2008
- … In DPM internal time delays are considered and the internal timekeeper and two error corrections (phase correction and period correction) are included. … Cooperative rhythm production was reproduced by the model, which included not only two error correction systems but also internal timekeeper correction based on one's own internal tempo. …
- NAID 130003971728
- PLASTOCHRON1, a timekeeper of leaf initiation in rice, encodes cytochrome P450
- 時計の発達史からみる日中時間意識の差異に関する一考察
- ICD2000-35 MPEG-2エンコーダPCカードとその応用
- 長沼 次郎,中島 靖之,遠藤 真
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ICD, 集積回路 100(237), 15-21, 2000-07-20
- ノートPCを用いたモバイル環境に適したMPEG-2エンコーダPCカードを開発した。本PCカードは、PC Card StandardのType IIに収められた超小型MPEG-2エンコーダシステムであり、ストリームの蓄積と伝送が可能である。本エンコーダは、演算量と柔軟性に加えてリアルタイム制約も考慮したハード/ソフトコデザインにより、システムの小型化と低電力化を図っている。1チップビデオエンコーダ、 …
- NAID 110003317628
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- タイムキーパー
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- 計時係