- provide with a ticket for passage or admission; "Ticketed passengers can board now"
- the appropriate or desirable thing; "this car could be just the ticket for a small family" (同)just the ticket
- a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment)
- a summons issued to an offender (especially to someone who violates a traffic regulation)
- issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty; "I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street"; "Move your car or else you will be ticketed!" (同)fine
- a ticket good for a ride on a railroad train (同)train ticket
- a pawnbrokers receipt for articles taken as security
- a ticket issued for parking in a restricted place
- a ticket issued for driving above the speed limit
- a queue of people waiting to buy tickets
- make a sound like a clock or a timer; "the clocks were ticking"; "the grandfather clock beat midnight" (同)ticktock, ticktack, beat
- a light mattress
- any of two families of small parasitic arachnids with barbed proboscis; feed on blood of warm-blooded animals
- a metallic tapping sound; "he counted the ticks of the clock" (同)ticking
- sew; "tick a mattress" (同)retick
- 『切符』,乗車券;入道券;(宝くじなどの)券,礼 / 正礼,値札,(品質・サイズなどの)表示札 / 《米》(政党の)公認候補者名簿 / 《話》交通違反者の呼び出し状 / 《the~》《 話》必要なもの / 《the ~》《古・話》正しいこと,適なこと / 〈商品〉に正礼(品質標示礼など)を付ける,〈荷物など〉‘に'礼を付ける / 《米》…‘に'交通違反の呼び出し状を渡す
- (時計まどの)カチカチ[という音] / 《英語》瞬間 / 照合(点検)済みの印,チェック / 〈時計などが〉カチカチ音がする《+away》 / 〈時が〉過ぎる,経過する∥+by(away)》 / 《話》〈人が〉行動する,〈機械などが〉動く
- 〈C〉(ふとん・まくらなどの)表布
- ダニ
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/12 09:26:59」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ウィキペディアへのお問い合わせ時の「Ticket」については、Wikipedia:OTRSをご覧ください。 |
チケット (ticket)
- 公共交通機関の車両に乗車する際や、催し物の会場に入場する際に必要となる券。 → 切符を参照。
- アメリカ大統領選挙における大統領・副大統領ペアのように、固有の職務を担う複数の候補者が組み合わせとして単一投票の候補となっていること。 → アメリカ合衆国副大統領#選出方法を参照。
- チケット (映画)(en:Ticket (film)) - イム・グォンテク監督の1986年の韓国映画(チケットallcinema)。
- 大塚愛の楽曲。16thシングル『ポケット』の2曲目に収録されている。
- 中京テレビで放送されているミニ番組。 → チケット!を参照。
- a number generated by a network server as a means of authentication
- NHKEテレ「ハッチポッチステーション」の登場人物。
- 特撮ドラマ「烈車戦隊トッキュウジャー」の登場人物。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up Ticket, Tickets, ticket, tickets, or tix in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Ticket or tickets may refer to:
- Airline ticket, a document created by an airline or a travel agent to confirm that an individual has purchased a seat on an airplane
- Bus ticket
- Electronic ticket, an electronic form of an transport ticket, entrance ticket etc.
- KTCK, AM 1310 & FM 104.1, a radio station in Dallas, Texas, USA known as "The Ticket"
- Lottery ticket
- Parking ticket, a ticket confirming that the parking fee was paid (and the time of the parking start)
- Ticket (admission) (entrance ticket), a card or slip of paper used to gain admission to a location or event
- Ticket (election), a single election choice which fills more than one political office or seat
- Ticket (film), a film produced by Im Kwon Taek in 1985
- Ticket (IT security), a number generated by a network server as a means of authentication
- Ticket (toll collection), a slip of paper used to indicate where vehicles entered a toll road to charge based on an established rate when they exit
- Ticket, a file in an issue tracking system documenting a reported problem and the steps taken to resolve it
- Ticket cases, a series of cases in contract law
- Traffic ticket, a notice issued by a law enforcement official accusing violation of traffic laws
- Train ticket, a document issued by a railway operator that enables the bearer to travel by train
- Tram ticket
- Tickets (film), a 2005 film
- "Tickets" (song), a song by Maroon 5 from their album Overexposed
- Tickets, the online currency in the massively multiplayer online game Roblox
See also
Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tickets. |
- All pages beginning with "Ticket"
- All pages with titles containing "Ticket"
- Tick (disambiguation)
- Stub (disambiguation)
English Journal
- The prognostic utility of the "Tumor Burden Score" based on preoperative radiographic features of colorectal liver metastases.
- Sasaki K1, Margonis GA1, Andreatos N1, Zhang XF1,2, Buettner S1, Wang J1, Deshwar A1, He J1, Wolfgang CL1, Weiss M1, Pawlik TM1,2.
- Journal of surgical oncology.J Surg Oncol.2017 Sep;116(4):515-523. doi: 10.1002/jso.24678. Epub 2017 May 25.
- PMID 28543544
- Ten Strategies of Interferon Evasion by Viruses.
- García-Sastre A1.
- Cell host & microbe.Cell Host Microbe.2017 Aug 9;22(2):176-184. doi: 10.1016/j.chom.2017.07.012.
- PMID 28799903
- High-Risk Driving Behaviors Among 12th Grade Students: Differences Between Alcohol-Only and Alcohol Mixed With Energy Drink Users.
- Williams RD Jr1, Housman JM2, Woolsey CL3, Sather TE4.
- Substance use & misuse.Subst Use Misuse.2017 Aug 4:1-6. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2017.1327973. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28777673
- Applying economic incentives to increase effectiveness of an outpatient weight loss program (TRIO) - A randomized controlled trial.
- Finkelstein EA1, Tham KW2, Haaland BA3, Sahasranaman A4.
- Social science & medicine (1982).Soc Sci Med.2017 Jul;185:63-70. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.05.030. Epub 2017 May 15.
- PMID 28554160
Japanese Journal
- Identity Verification of Ticket Holders at Large-scale Events Using Face Recognition
- JR東日本 「TICKET TO TOMORROW」のもと、自らの新しい可能性に向けてチャレンジ : 2017年度グループ年次計画・設備投資計画 (JR旅客6社・貨物会社 2017年度計画の概要)
- 駅改札口付近に設置された路線図式料金表の視認性 : 文字サイズ・視距離・輝度が視認性に及ぼす影響の分析
- 順序変化を考慮した同一記述文特定手法に関する検討 (情報通信マネジメント)
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 = IEICE technical report : 信学技報 116(507), 87-92, 2017-03-09
- NAID 40021161631
Related Links
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- チケットぴあは日本最大級のチケット販売サイト。ライブ、コンサート、舞台、スポーツ、クラシック、韓流、アニメ、映画などのチケットを予約・購入ができます。旬のニュースやライブレポート、アーティストの動画、レビュー ...
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