- strike with a dull sound; "Bullets were thudding against the wall"
- make a dull sound; "the knocker thudded against the front door" (同)thump
- ドザッ(ドシン)[という音] / ドザッ(ドシン)と響く
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Thud may refer to:
- An onomatopoeia of a collision
- Thud (game), a 2002 board game inspired by Terry Pratchett's Discworld series
- Thud!, a 2005 Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett
- Thud (album), an album by Kevin Gilbert
- F-105 Thunderchief, a U.S. fighter-bomber, nicknamed Thud
- Thud!, a children's book by Nick Butterworth
- Thud, a fictional character in the animated film A Bug's Life
- Thud, a fictional character in the animated film series The Land Before Time
- Thud experiment, a 1973 study into the validity of psychiatric diagnosis
- a loud sound
See also
- All pages beginning with "Thud"
- All pages with titles containing Thud
English Journal
- Modified stethoscope for auscultation of temporomandibular joint sounds.
- Dagar SR1, Turakiya V2, Pakhan AJ3, Jaggi N4, Kalra A5, Vaidya V6.
- Journal of international oral health : JIOH.J Int Oral Health.2014 Apr;6(2):40-4. Epub 2014 Apr 26.
- BACKGROUND: Purpose of this study was to modify the stethoscope which can auscultate the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) sounds more precisely than conventional stethoscope, and fabrication of stethoscope compatible software which analyses the auscultated sound and gives documentary evidence of that a
- PMID 24876701
- Clinical, radiologic and arthroscopic assessment and treatment of bilateral discoid lateral meniscus.
- Rao SK1, Sripathi Rao P.
- Knee surgery, sports traumatology, arthroscopy : official journal of the ESSKA.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc.2007 May;15(5):597-601. Epub 2007 Jan 16.
- The purpose of the study is to evaluate clinical, radiologic and arthroscopic features of bilateral discoid lateral meniscus and to assess the outcome of arthroscopic meniscectomy. Among the 177 arthroscopies performed for discoid lateral meniscus between January 1993 and January 2004, 12 were bilat
- PMID 17225177
- Davis C.
- Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987).Nurs Stand.2007 Feb 21-27;21(24):22-3.
- As the Christmas and new year credit card bills thud through the letterbox, the extent of your overspending can become all too obvious. But there are sources of help.
- PMID 17345904
- Rosenhan revisited: the scientific credibility of Lauren Slater's pseudopatient diagnosis study.
- Spitzer RL1, Lilienfeld SO, Miller MB.
- The Journal of nervous and mental disease.J Nerv Ment Dis.2005 Nov;193(11):734-9.
- In a recent and widely publicized book, psychologist Lauren Slater reported an attempt to test David Rosenhan's hypothesis that psychiatric diagnoses are influenced primarily by situational context rather than by patients' signs and symptoms. Slater presented herself to nine psychiatric emergency ro
- PMID 16260927
Japanese Journal
- 芸術作品に対する感性文化的評価--美術館の黴オブジェとスタジアムの地響き楽器
- 日-韓機械翻訳における連語パターンを用いた変換手法
- 朴 哲済,李 鐘赫,李 根培,筧 捷彦
- 情報処理学会論文誌 38(4), 707-718, 1997-04-15
- 本稿では, 直接翻訳方式を利用した日-韓機械翻訳システムにおいて, 連語パターンによる変換手法を提案する. 筆者らは, 日本語での連語パターンを作成し, 変換規則として用いることにより語彙の曖昧性の問題を解決した. また, 意味素性をベースにした選択制限として, 連語パターンの中で最もパターン類似度が高いものを選択する類似度のスコア計算の方法を提案する. 我々は, このような変換方法を用いた日-韓 …
- NAID 110002721522
- 全身状態不良の進行卵巣癌に対する集学的治療法 : その有効性と限界について
- 清水 敬生,達木 泰裕,藤本 郁野,山内 一弘,荷見 勝彦,増淵 一正
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 44(12), 1551-1558, 1992-12-01
- 根治的治療対象になり難い全身状態不良の進行卵巣癌に対して, 現在用い得る治療手段をsequentialに行い, その有効性及び限界を検討した. 大量腹水を有する進行卵巣癌連続7症例(うち5例で癌性胸水貯留)を対象とした. 入院時, 全身状態不良で試験開腹を行うことが困難であったため, まずpriming理論にもとづいた免疫療法(OK432 0.2KEを2回以上皮下接種して全身感作後, OK432 …
- NAID 110002106810
- 数値積分法の特性評価 : 第1報, 特性評価の理論
- 清水 信行,曽我部 潔,大槻 康久,荒木 由美
- 日本機械学會論文集. C編 56(522), 374-379, 1990-02-25
- … Thud, the objective of this study is to establish a theoretical method which can evaluate the accuracy of the solution when the response to a sinusoidal force is solved by time-integration methods. …
- NAID 110002392116
Related Links
- thud 【自動】ドン[ドスン・ゴツン]と当たる[打つ]、ドスンと落ちる、地響き... - アルクがお届けする進化するオンライン英和・和英辞書データベース。一般的な単語や連語から、イディオム、専門用語、スラングまで幅広く収録。
- thudとは。意味や和訳。[名詞]1 (重く鈍い落下音・打撃音などの)ドン,ドスン,ゴツンthe heavy thud of hoofs重いひづめの音go “thud” into…にドシンと命中するfall to the ground with a thudドシンと音をたてて地面に落ちる.2 ゴツン[ドシン ...
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