- the trait of thinking carefully before acting
- the trait of not thinking carefully before acting (同)thoughtlessness
- 思いやりのあること;考え深いこと
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English Journal
- Assessing decision making in young adult romantic relationships.
- Vennum A, Fincham FD.SourceFamily Institute, Department of Family and Child Sciences, The Florida State University.
- Psychological assessment.Psychol Assess.2011 Sep;23(3):739-51.
- Romantic relationships among young adults are rich with ambiguity and without a clear, universal progression emphasizing the need for active decision making. Lack of active decision making in romantic relationships can lead to increases in constraints (e.g. pregnancy, shared living space or finances
- PMID 21517193
- The low pass rate in the RANZCP clinical examinations: is the exam the problem?
- MacDonald J, Ellis PM.SourceDepartment of Psychological Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington, PO Box 7343, Wellington South, New Zealand. Joanna.macdonald@otago.ac.nz
- The Australian and New Zealand journal of psychiatry.Aust N Z J Psychiatry.2011 Jul;45(7):569-77.
- OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to examine the role of supervision during psychiatric training in ensuring that registrars are adequately trained to meet the standards of the RANZCP examinations and to consider the implications for improving examination pass rates.METHOD: Audiotaped recordings
- PMID 21718125
Japanese Journal
- エンペドクレス哲学において思惟性と生命性を担うフレーン
- 岡嶋 君幸,後藤 淳
- 東亜大学紀要 12, 25-39, 2010-07
- 前ソクラテス期の哲学者エンペドクレスは,人間の精神活動に関する叙述の中で,古代ギリシアにおいて心という意味を持つ「φρήν(フレーン)」という用語を使用している。心の語義から推すならば,「フレーン」と思惟性や生命性との間には,何らかの関連性があると想定される。本稿は,1.エンペドクレスにおける「フレーン」についての検討を通して,「フレーン」が思惟性や生命性を担うということを示すこと,2 …
- NAID 120002581036
- 三瀬 夏之介,ミセ ナツノスケ,MISE Natsunosuke
- 東北芸術工科大学紀要 = Annual Review of Tohoku University of Art and Design 17, 12-17, 2010-03
- … The Hijiori fantasy, however, has closed thoughtfulness attached thereto like a drop curtain closing quietly. …
- NAID 120002854472
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- adj. 1. Engrossed in thought; contemplative. 2. Exhibiting or characterized by careful thought: a thoughtful essay. 3. Having or showing heed for the well-being or happiness of others and a propensity for anticipating their needs or wishes. ...
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