- 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》全くの(utter) / 完ぺきな,徹底的な
English Journal
- [Anterior uveitis caused by electrical discharge in whole body injuries (fifteen years study)].
- Krásný J, Brož L, Kripner J.AbstractAim: To inform about clinical analysis of early ophthalmologic complication (uveitis) in patients sustained electric discharge injury. Study group: The authors refer about fifteen years follow-up of pediatric patients at the Department of Burns Medicine, 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, E.U., with electric discharge injury, in which the anterior uveitis was detected. Out of 43 patients after electric discharge injury, the always-unilateral iritis (iridocyclitis) was diagnosed in four (9 %) patients according to thoroughgoing follow-up after first accidental diagnosis in the year 1998. Out of four boys aged 12 - 15 years, the first two were injured during the "play" - due to the contact with electrical trolley wire while running on railroad wagons roofs, and the two others were stuck by lighting under a tree by secondary electrical discharge. More serious skin burns were noticed in high-voltage current injury - 69 % or 55 % of body surface respectively, with the necessity of skin transplantation. The same was necessary in one boy injured by lighting with burns of 25 % of body surface, while the last one had on the skin the lighting signs only. In most of the patients, the resuscitation care due to unconsciousness and posttraumatic shock was necessary. The anterior uveitis was diagnosed subsequently, after initial preliminary diagnoses as conjunctivitis, episcleritis, or ophthalmia electrica. The iritis without visual function decrease was discovered in few days after the injury in three patients. Treatment and results: The inflammation was in these cases treated with short-term application of mydriatic and corticosteroid eye drops. Once only, the uveitis appeared after two months during the patients hospitalization and then the signs of iridocyclitis in the anterior chamber worsened and caused visual acuity decrease to hand movement in front of the eye. The condition was successfully treated by means of parabulbar betamethasone injection and long-term application of mydriatic and corticosteroid drops. Conclusion: Uveitis in electrical discharge injury of different origin is a rare early complication, which may be determined solely by regular ophthalmologic follow-up examinations of the patients. Key words: high-voltage electrical current injury, lighting injury, anterior uveitis.
- Ceská a slovenská oftalmologie : casopis Ceské oftalmologické spolecnosti a Slovenské oftalmologické spolecnosti.Cesk Slov Oftalmol.2014 Winter;69(4):158-63.
- Aim: To inform about clinical analysis of early ophthalmologic complication (uveitis) in patients sustained electric discharge injury. Study group: The authors refer about fifteen years follow-up of pediatric patients at the Department of Burns Medicine, 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University in Pr
- PMID 24437993
- Pragmatism, metaphysics, and bioethics: beyond a theory of moral deliberation.
- Pamental M.Author information *Department of Philosophy, University of Tennessee, 809A McClung Tower, Knoxville, TN 37996-0480, USA. has been understood by bioethicists as yet another rival in the "methods wars," as yet another theory of moral deliberation. This has led to criticism of pragmatic bioethics as both theoretically and practically inadequate. Pragmatists' responses to these objections have focused mainly on misunderstandings of pragmatism's epistemology. These responses are insufficient. Pragmatism's commitment to radical empiricism gives it theoretical resources unappreciated by critics and defenders alike. Radical empiricism, unlike its more traditional ancestors, undercuts the gaps between theory and practice, and subjective and objective accounts of experience, and in so doing provides the metaphysical and epistemological basis for a thoroughgoing empirical naturalism in ethics. Pragmatism's strength as an approach to moral problems thus emerges as a result of a much wider array of resources than contemporary interpreters have acknowledged, which makes it a richer, deeper framework for understanding moral deliberation in general and bioethical decision making in particular.
- The Journal of medicine and philosophy.J Med Philos.2013 Dec;38(6):725-42. doi: 10.1093/jmp/jht030. Epub 2013 Jul 22.
- Pragmatism has been understood by bioethicists as yet another rival in the "methods wars," as yet another theory of moral deliberation. This has led to criticism of pragmatic bioethics as both theoretically and practically inadequate. Pragmatists' responses to these objections have focused mainly on
- PMID 23878348
- The second wave of digital-era governance: a quasi-paradigm for government on the Web.
- Margetts H1, Dunleavy P.Author information 1Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3JS, UK. use of the Internet and the Web has transformed the public management 'quasi-paradigm' in advanced industrial countries. The toolkit for public management reform has shifted away from a 'new public management' (NPM) approach stressing fragmentation, competition and incentivization and towards a 'digital-era governance' (DEG) one, focusing on reintegrating services, providing holistic services for citizens and implementing thoroughgoing digital changes in administration. We review the current status of NPM and DEG approaches, showing how the development of the social Web has already helped trigger a 'second wave' of DEG(2) changes. Web science and organizational studies are converging swiftly in public management and public services, opening up an extensive agenda for future redesign of state organization and interventions. So far, DEG changes have survived austerity pressures well, whereas key NPM elements have been rolled back.
- Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences.Philos Trans A Math Phys Eng Sci.2013 Feb 18;371(1987):20120382. doi: 10.1098/rsta.2012.0382. Print 2013 Mar 28.
- Widespread use of the Internet and the Web has transformed the public management 'quasi-paradigm' in advanced industrial countries. The toolkit for public management reform has shifted away from a 'new public management' (NPM) approach stressing fragmentation, competition and incentivization and tow
- PMID 23419851
Japanese Journal
- 近代日本芸術音楽創造に対するフランス派の影響試論<人文・社会科学>
- 神月 朋子
- 埼玉大学紀要. 教育学部 60(2), 141-147, 2011-09-00
- … The exchange between France and Japan which began at the national level turned to the personal and internal one in the cultural and musical area.The composers who went to France(called here French School) looked for the different modernism from that of German style and tried two subjects : one is a thoroughgoing exercise of composition and harmonics which was possible only at the French conservatoires; …
- NAID 120003459926
- 旅籠 Tabard の主人の「誓言」 : Chaucer 時代のロンドン市民 Herry Bailly の場合(林 陸雄教授退任記念号)
- 野原 康弘
- 桃山学院大学キリスト教論集 (45), 97-135, 2010-03-25
- … A thoroughgoing study of the swear-words that the innkeeper used not only shows what his social class thought of God, the saints, and other things, but also reveals some links to the wealth of oaths that existed in Shakespeare's time and in the present day. …
- NAID 110007569600
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone のアメリカ英語版 : その意義と必要性について(岡田章子教授退任記念号)
- 野原 康弘
- 英米評論 (24), 137-194, 2010-03-19
- … Although the American edition was launched after thoroughgoing preparations lasting about a year, its reputation did not match the publisher's expectations. …
- NAID 110007557049
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- thor·ough·go·ing / ˈθɜr oʊˌgoʊ ɪŋ, -əˌgoʊ-, ˈθʌr-/ Show Spelled [thur-oh-goh-ing, - uh-goh-, thuhr-] Show IPA adjective 1. doing things thoroughly. 2. carried out to the full extent; thorough. 3. complete; unqualified: a thoroughgoing knave.
- thoroughgoingとは。意味や和訳。[形]1 〈人が〉(事を)徹底的にやる, 徹底した;〈行為などが〉徹底的に行われたa thoroughgoing reform徹底的な改革.2 ((限定))まったくの, 完全なa thoroughgoing failure完全な失敗. - goo辞書は国語 ...
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