- そこから;それから
English Journal
- Fractionation of an anthocyanin-rich bilberry extract and in vitro antioxidative activity testing.
- Juadjur A1, Mohn C2, Schantz M2, Baum M2, Winterhalter P1, Richling E3.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2015 Jan 15;167:418-24. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.07.004. Epub 2014 Jul 10.
- The incidence of chronic diseases increases with advancing age of the population. A commonly discussed cause of chronic diseases is oxidative stress, which occurs in the body when there is an imbalance between the formation and inactivation of so-called reactive oxygen species (ROS). Epidemiological
- PMID 25149006
- Striatins as plaque molecules of zonulae adhaerentes in simple epithelia, of tessellate junctions in stratified epithelia, of cardiac composite junctions and of various size classes of lateral adherens junctions in cultures of epithelia- and carcinoma-derived cells.
- Franke WW1, Rickelt S, Zimbelmann R, Dörflinger Y, Kuhn C, Frey N, Heid H, Rosin-Arbesfeld R.
- Cell and tissue research.Cell Tissue Res.2014 Dec 12. [Epub ahead of print]
- Proteins of the striatin family (striatins 1-4; sizes ranging from 90 to 110 kDa on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) are highly homologous in their amino acid sequences but can differ in their cell-type-specific gene expression patterns and biological functions. In various cell types, we hav
- PMID 25501894
- Nuclear model analysis of excitation functions of proton and deuteron induced reactions on (64)Zn and (3)He- and α-particle induced reactions on (59)Co leading to the formation of copper-61: Comparison of major production routes.
- Aslam MN1, Qaim SM2.
- Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine.Appl Radiat Isot.2014 Dec;94:131-40. doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2014.08.001. Epub 2014 Aug 12.
- Cross section data for formation of the medically important radionuclide (61)Cu (T½=3.33h) in proton and deuteron induced reactions on enriched (64)Zn and in (3)He- and α-particle induced reactions on (59)Co were analyzed by using the nuclear model calculational codes, EMPIRE and TALYS. A well-def
- PMID 25169133
Japanese Journal
- Constraining the density dependence of the nuclear symmetry energy from an x-ray bursting neutron star
- Sotani Hajime,Iida Kei,Oyamatsu Kazuhiro
- Physical Review C 91(1), 2015-01
- … We therefrom obtain the constraint that η should be larger than around 130 MeV, which in turn leads to L larger than around 110, 98, 89, and 78 MeV for K0=180, 230, 280, and 360 MeV. …
- NAID 120005555487
- 種々の三官能性ポリアセタールポリオールとそれによる分解・リサイクル性架橋ポリウレタンの合成
- 飯沼 篤,橋本 保,漆 美智遠,阪口 壽一
- 高分子論文集 advpub(0), 2015
- 酸の作用により室温で容易に分解するアセタール結合を導入した三官能性ポリアセタールポリオールを,ヒドロキシ基を有する種々のビニルエーテル[4-ヒドロキシブチルビニルエーテル(HBVE),2-ヒドロキシエチルビニルエーテル(HEVE),ジエチレングリコールモノビニルエーテル(DEGV),シクロヘキサンジメタノールモノビニルエーテル(CHMVE)]をグリセリン存在下で重付加反応させることでそれぞれ合成し …
- NAID 130004793189
- 種々の三官能性ポリアセタールポリオールとそれによる分解・リサイクル性架橋ポリウレタンの合成
- 飯沼 篤,橋本 保,漆 美智遠 [他],阪口 壽一
- 高分子論文集 72(1), 7-15, 2015
- 酸の作用により室温で容易に分解するアセタール結合を導入した三官能性ポリアセタールポリオールを,ヒドロキシ基を有する種々のビニルエーテル[4-ヒドロキシブチルビニルエーテル(HBVE),2-ヒドロキシエチルビニルエーテル(HEVE),ジエチレングリコールモノビニルエーテル(DEGV),シクロヘキサンジメタノールモノビニルエーテル(CHMVE)]をグリセリン存在下で重付加反応させることでそれぞれ合成し …
- NAID 130004793174
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