- very restrained or quiet; "a tame Christmas party"; "she was one of the tamest and most abject creatures imaginable with no will or power to act but as directed"
- correct by punishment or discipline (同)chasten, subdue
- brought from wildness into a domesticated state; "tame animals"; "fields of tame blueberries" (同)tamed
- flat and uninspiring
- a profession of belief; "he stated his political testament"
- strong evidence for something; "his easy victory was a testament to his skill"
- an animal trainer who tames wild animals
- the attribute of having been domesticated (同)domestication
- either of the two main parts of the Christian Bible
- a woolen cap of Scottish origin (同)tam-o''-shanter, tammy
- brought from wildness; "the once inhospitable landscape is now tamed"
- (動物が)『飼いならされた』,人になれた / (人・動物が)『おとなしい』, / 《話》おもしろくない,退屈な,つまらない / 〈野獣など〉★を'『飼いならす,』(飼いならして)おとなしくさせる / …‘を'制御する,制御して利用する
- 《T-》聖書 / 〈C〉遺言
- (動物の)調教師
- =tam-o'-shanter タモシャンター てっぺんに毛糸の玉房のついたウール製の大きなベレー帽
- ありがと
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/13 08:59:08」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Tame may refer to:
- Taming, the act of training wild animals
- River Tame, Greater Manchester
- River Tame, West Midlands and the Tame Valley
- Tame, Arauca, a Colombian town and municipality
- "Tame" (song), a song by the Pixies from their 1989 album Doolittle
- TAME (IATA code: EQ), an airline that belongs to the Ecuadorian military T.A.M.E
- tert-Amyl methyl ether, an oxygenated chemical compound often added to gasoline.
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English Journal
- Friendly pathogens: prevent or provoke autoimmunity.
- Sathyabama S1, Khan N, Agrewala JN.Author information 1CSIR Institute of Microbial Technology , Chandigarh , India.AbstractThe gut microflora is an immense health asset for human beings. The mammalian gut harbors trillions of commensals. These microbes not only modulate local but also systemic immunity. Recently, various reports are evolving, which signify that the gut microbes can modulate, tune and tame the host immune response. Consequently, it advocates the significance of the microbial composition. Further, the microbiota provides a fine equilibrium to host by regulating immune homeostasis. Furthermore, disturbance in this population can incite imbalance in immune system, leading to molecular mimicry and therefore autoimmunity. Hence, it is imperative to understand the influence of these bugs in preventing or provoking immune system against the self-components. In this article, we highlight the interaction between different gut microbes and cells of immune system and the mechanism involved in controlling and curtailing various autoimmune diseases.
- Critical reviews in microbiology.Crit Rev Microbiol.2014 Aug;40(3):273-80. doi: 10.3109/1040841X.2013.787043. Epub 2013 May 21.
- The gut microflora is an immense health asset for human beings. The mammalian gut harbors trillions of commensals. These microbes not only modulate local but also systemic immunity. Recently, various reports are evolving, which signify that the gut microbes can modulate, tune and tame the host immun
- PMID 23688247
- Capturing the hemoglobin allosteric transition in a single crystal form.
- Shibayama N1, Sugiyama K, Tame JR, Park SY.Author information 1Division of Biophysics, Department of Physiology, Jichi Medical University , 3311-1 Yakushiji, Shimotsuke, Tochigi 329-0498, Japan.AbstractAllostery in many oligomeric proteins has been postulated to occur via a ligand-binding-driven conformational transition from the tense (T) to relaxed (R) state, largely on the basis of the knowledge of the structure and function of hemoglobin, the most thoroughly studied of all allosteric proteins. However, a growing body of evidence suggests that hemoglobin possesses a variety of intermediates between the two end states. As such intermediate forms coexist with the end states in dynamic equilibrium and cannot be individually characterized by conventional techniques, very little is known about their properties and functions. Here we present complete structural and functional snapshots of nine equilibrium conformers of human hemoglobin in the half-liganded and fully liganded states by using a novel combination of X-ray diffraction analysis and microspectrophotometric O2 equilibrium measurements on three isomorphous crystals, each capturing three distinct equilibrium conformers. Notably, the conformational set of this crystal form varies according to shifts in the allosteric equilibrium, reflecting the differences in hemoglobin ligation state and crystallization solution conditions. We find that nine snapshot structures cover the complete conformational space of hemoglobin, ranging from T to R2 (the second relaxed quaternary structure) through R, with various relaxed intermediate forms between R and R2. Moreover, we find a previously unidentified intermediate conformer, between T and R, with an intermediate O2 affinity, sought by many research groups over a period of decades. These findings reveal a comprehensive picture of the equilibrium conformers and transition pathway for human hemoglobin.
- Journal of the American Chemical Society.J Am Chem Soc.2014 Apr 2;136(13):5097-105. doi: 10.1021/ja500380e. Epub 2014 Mar 24.
- Allostery in many oligomeric proteins has been postulated to occur via a ligand-binding-driven conformational transition from the tense (T) to relaxed (R) state, largely on the basis of the knowledge of the structure and function of hemoglobin, the most thoroughly studied of all allosteric proteins.
- PMID 24635037
- Astral microtubules control redistribution of dynein at the cell cortex to facilitate spindle positioning.
- Tame MA1, Raaijmakers JA1, van den Broek B1, Lindqvist A2, Jalink K1, Medema RH1.Author information 1Division of Cell Biology; The Netherlands Cancer Institute; Amsterdam, The Netherlands.2Department of Cell and Molecular Biology; Karolinska Institutet; Stockholm, Sweden.AbstractCytoplasmic dynein is recruited to the cell cortex in early mitosis, where it can generate pulling forces on astral microtubules to position the mitotic spindle. Recent work has shown that dynein displays a dynamic asymmetric cortical localization, and that dynein recruitment is negatively regulated by spindle pole-proximity. This results in oscillating dynein recruitment to opposite sides of the cortex to center the mitotic spindle. However, although the centrosome-derived signal that promotes displacement of dynein has been identified, it is currently unknown how dynein is re-recruited to the cortex once it has been displaced. Here we show that re-recruitment of cortical dynein requires astral microtubules. We find that microtubules are necessary for the sustained localized enrichment of dynein at the cortex. Furthermore, we show that stabilization of astral microtubules causes spindle misorientation, followed by mispositioning of dynein at the cortex. Thus, our results demonstrate the importance of astral microtubules in the dynamic regulation of cortical dynein recruitment in mitosis.
- Cell cycle (Georgetown, Tex.).Cell Cycle.2014 Apr 1;13(7):1162-70. doi: 10.4161/cc.28031. Epub 2014 Feb 10.
- Cytoplasmic dynein is recruited to the cell cortex in early mitosis, where it can generate pulling forces on astral microtubules to position the mitotic spindle. Recent work has shown that dynein displays a dynamic asymmetric cortical localization, and that dynein recruitment is negatively regulated
- PMID 24553118
- Tale taming radioactive fears: Linking nuclear waste disposal to the "continuum of the good".
- Yli-Kauhaluoma S1, Hänninen H.Author information 1Aalto University, Finland.AbstractWe examine how the constructor of the world's first repository for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Eurajoki, Finland, aims to shape lay understanding of the facility's risks and to tame the nuclear fears of the local community by producing positive associations, imagery and tales. Our empirical material consists of the constructor's newsletters targeted mainly at the local residents. In the narrative analysis, we identified a storyline where the construction of the repository is linked into the "continuum of the good" in the municipality of the construction site and the surrounding areas. The storyline consists of five different themes all emphasizing the "continuum of the good" in the area: cultural heritage, well-being, developing expertise, natural environment, and local families. Our study contributes to the literature on pro-nuclear storytelling by showing how the inclination is towards narratives that are constructed around local symbols, cultural landmarks, and institutions.
- Public understanding of science (Bristol, England).Public Underst Sci.2014 Apr;23(3):316-30. doi: 10.1177/0963662513503773. Epub 2013 Oct 10.
- We examine how the constructor of the world's first repository for the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Eurajoki, Finland, aims to shape lay understanding of the facility's risks and to tame the nuclear fears of the local community by producing positive associations, imagery and tales. Our em
- PMID 24113741
Japanese Journal
- The tame and the wild automorphisms of an affine quadric threefold
- LAMY Stephane,VENEREAU Stephane
- Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 65(1), 299-320, 2013-01-00
- NAID 40019552366
- <半野生>動物の規定と捕獲をめぐる問題史 -なぜ「奈良のシカ」の規定は二つあるのか?-
- 渡辺 伸一,ワタナベ シンイチ,WATANABE Shinichi
- 奈良教育大学紀要(人文・社会科学) 61(1), 109-119, 2012-11-30
- … The deer of Nara are defined simply as "sika" deer (1) living in and around Nara Park and (2) being tame. … Yet, both "around Nara Park" and "being tame" are ambiguous terms, whose specification varies from person to person. …
- NAID 120005121701
- 中空構造栽培槽の3次元移動による栽培植物の光環境への影響
- 内山 知二,山崎 敬亮,長崎 裕司 [他],佐野 修司,西本 登志,遠藤 常嘉,工藤 渚,松山 眞三,隅谷 智宏
- 日本緑化工学会誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology 38(1), 145-148, 2012-08-31
- NAID 10030690155
- 松文産業(株) 旧女子寮「精華寮」の建築 (4)古写真にみる寮内の生活風景
- 多米 淑人,Tame Yoshihito,吉田 純一,Yoshida Junichi
- 福井工業大学研究紀要, 563-574, 2012-08-03
- This article is a survey about the construction of the girls dormitory which the Matsubun industry Co., Ltd. owns. This report clarifies the scenery of the old life in the dormitory referring to the o …
- NAID 120004421815
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- TAME’s colors are blue, light blue and gold, which is a decorative element. The former logo symbolized the flight of a bird, it had a sun as its background and the design used to be located in the planes’ tail. The logo was created by ...
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- 関
- rotameric、rotational isomer
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- heptamer