English Journal
- [Syncarcinogenesis. Occupation and cancer of the head-neck area].
- [New data on syncarcinogenesis in tumors of exogenous origin].
- Popp W1.
- Zentralblatt für Hygiene und Umweltmedizin = International journal of hygiene and environmental medicine.Zentralbl Hyg Umweltmed.1996 May;198(5):407-28.
- Little is known about syncarcinogenic effects of occupational and environmental substances although it is supposed that different exogenous factors may play critical roles in the development of many human tumors. Epidemiologic results prove syncarcinogenesis for asbestos exposure and smoking (lung c
- PMID 9409898
- Conference on carcinogenic risk factors in the occupational environment (Krebserzeugende Gefahrstoffe in der Arbeitsumwelt). Frankfurt/Main, October 1993.
- Berger MR1.
- Journal of cancer research and clinical oncology.J Cancer Res Clin Oncol.1994;120(8):498-501.
- In this summary, J. Konietzko (Mainz) stressed the exceptional position of occupational cancer, which is due to the long latent period between exposure to specific carcinogens and cancer manifestation. Obviously, this long latent period of years to decades poses problems in the search for the etiolo
- PMID 8207050
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- 1. Z Krebsforsch. 1970;74(4):457-66. [Experimental investigations in "syncarcinogenesis". VI. Addition of minimum doses of 4 different liver carcinogens in rats in liver cancer development]. [Article in German] Schmähl D. PMID:
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