- the quality of being steady and unfailing; "sureness of hand"
- 確実;確信;安全
English Journal
- Stigma and suicide warning signs.
- Rudd MD, Goulding JM, Carlisle CJ.Author information University of Memphis, Memphis, TN 38152, USA. mdrudd@memphis.eduAbstractThe current study explored the relationship between stigma and suicide warning signs using a case vignette methodology. Three comparable vignettes were used varying only the essential warning signs, including heart attack, suicidality without specific mention of suicidal thinking, and suicidality with specific mention of suicidal thoughts and associated intent to die. After reading the vignette, participants responded to questions gauging urgency of response, along with their appraisal of the situation across six domains including: seriousness, time (how quickly should they respond), comfort 1 (how comfortable they were with the situation in general), sureness (how sure they were in their response), comfort 2 (how comfortable they were in implementing their response), and hopefulness (how hopeful they were that their response would be helpful). Consistent with study hypotheses, results indicated that participants were significantly less comfortable, less sure, and less hopeful when responding to a suicidal crisis when compared to a heart attack. In addition, participants were significantly less likely to access emergency services for a seriously suicidal individual in comparison to someone suffering a heart attack, instead choosing to talk with family and friends first. The potential moderating effects of family and individual history of psychiatric illness and treatment, along with current individual psychological symptoms, were also explored and discussed, with no significant impact uncovered. The importance of more targeted efforts to train individuals to not just recognize suicide warning signs, but on how to specifically respond, is emphasized.
- Archives of suicide research : official journal of the International Academy for Suicide Research.Arch Suicide Res.2013;17(3):313-8. doi: 10.1080/13811118.2013.777000.
- The current study explored the relationship between stigma and suicide warning signs using a case vignette methodology. Three comparable vignettes were used varying only the essential warning signs, including heart attack, suicidality without specific mention of suicidal thinking, and suicidality wi
- PMID 23889579
- Identifying student misconceptions in biomedical course assessments in dental education.
- Curtis DA, Lind SL, Dellinges M, Schroeder K.Author information Department of Preventive and Restorative Dental Sciences, School of Dentistry, University of California, San Francisco, 707 Parnassus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94143, USA. don.curtis@ucsf.eduAbstractDental student performance on examinations has traditionally been estimated by calculating the percentage of correct responses rather than by identifying student misconceptions. Although misconceptions can impede student learning and are refractory to change, they are seldom measured in biomedical courses in dental schools. Our purpose was to determine if scaling student confidence and the clinical impact of incorrect answers could be used on multiple-choice questions (MCQs) to identify potential student misconceptions. To provide a measure of student misconception, faculty members indicated the correct answer on twenty clinically relevant MCQs and noted whether the three distracters represented potentially benign, inappropriate, or harmful application of student knowledge to patient treatment. A group of 105 third-year dental students selected what they believed was the most appropriate answer and their level of sureness (1 to 4 representing very unsure, unsure, sure, and very sure) about their answer. Misconceptions were defined as sure or very sure incorrect responses that could result in inappropriate or harmful clinical treatment. In the results, 5.2 percent of the answers represented student misconceptions, and 74 percent of the misconceptions were from four case-based interpretation questions. The mean student sureness was 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. The students' sureness was higher with correct than with incorrect answers (p<0.001), yet there was no difference in sureness levels among their incorrect (benign, inappropriate, or harmful) responses (p>0.05). This study found that scaling student confidence and clinical impact of incorrect answers provided helpful insights into student thinking in multiple-choice assessment.
- Journal of dental education.J Dent Educ.2012 Sep;76(9):1183-94.
- Dental student performance on examinations has traditionally been estimated by calculating the percentage of correct responses rather than by identifying student misconceptions. Although misconceptions can impede student learning and are refractory to change, they are seldom measured in biomedical c
- PMID 22942414
- Living on the edge: frontier voices.
- Peterson-Lund RR.AbstractLiving on the edge is a universal lived experience. The humanbecoming school of thought is the theoretical underpinning described here to expand understanding of this phenomenon and contribute to nursing knowledge. A synthetic definition derived with concept inventing was created. The experience of living on the edge is risking venturing with sureness-unsureness surfacing with cherished engaging. At the theoretical level living on the edge is powering the originating of valuing connecting-separating.
- Nursing science quarterly.Nurs Sci Q.2012 Jan;25(1):90-6. doi: 10.1177/0894318411429018.
- Living on the edge is a universal lived experience. The humanbecoming school of thought is the theoretical underpinning described here to expand understanding of this phenomenon and contribute to nursing knowledge. A synthetic definition derived with concept inventing was created. The experience of
- PMID 22228529
Japanese Journal
- エッジの曲率半径が凸バーと凸点の識別容易性に及ぼす影響
- 豊田 航,土井 幸輝,藤本 浩志
- 人間工学 47(6), 252-260, 2011
- 本研究では,消費生活製品の操作性向上に適う凸バー及び凸点の寸法を明らかにすることを目指し,凸バーと凸点のエッジの曲率半径Rがそれらの識別容易性に及ぼす影響を評価することを目的とした.晴眼若年者10名(20.3±1.8歳,男性6名,女性4名)に実験の参加協力を得た.実験では,エッジのRを厳密に統制した凸バー及び凸点を,参加者に対して一つずつランダムに呈示し,刺激の形状を人差し指の触覚のみを用いて2肢 …
- NAID 130002138659
- 検索結果を統合するための関数選択手法(マルチメディア)(夏のデータベースワークショップDBWS2004)
- 鈴木 優,波多野 賢治,古川 正俊 [他],植村 俊亮,川越 恭二
- 情報処理学会研究報告. データベース・システム研究会報告 2004(72), 529-536, 2004-07-14
- 現在,多くの検索システムを組み合わせることによって,検索システムの精度を向上させる方法が注目されている.このような検索システムでは,統合関数と呼ばれる,複数のスコアを統合するための関数を変更することによって,精度が向上することが知られている.ところが,最適な統合関数は利用者の問合せによって異なると考えられるため,あらかじめ一意に統合関数を定めることができない.ここで我々は,統合後のスコアの分布から …
- NAID 110002911370
- 検索結果を統合するための関数選択手法(セッション8A : マルチメディア)(夏のデータベースワークショップ : DBWS2004)
- 鈴木 優,波多野 賢治,吉川 正俊 [他],植村 俊亮,川越 恭二
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. DE, データ工学 104(177), 195-200, 2004-07-07
- 現在,多くの検索システムを組み合わせることによって,検索システムの精度を向上させる方法が注目されている.このような検索システムでは,統合関数と呼ばれる,複数のスコアを統合するための関数を変更することによって,精度が向上することが知られている.ところが,最適な統合関数は利用者の問合せによって異なると考えられるため,あらかじめ一意に統合関数を定めることができない.ここで我々は,統合後のスコアの分布から …
- NAID 110003174789
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