- a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector (同)super
- the superintendent of a school system
- (仕事・施設・組織などの)監督者,長官,所長《+of+名》 / (アパート・事務所などの)管理者,支配人《+of+名》
- 警視長官
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/11/17 21:49:41」(JST)
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Look up superintendent in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Superintendent may refer to:
- Superintendent (police), Superintendent of Police (SP), or Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) – a police rank
- Superintendent (jail), Superintendent of Prison, Superintendent of Jail, or Senior Superintendent of Jail – a prison administrator
- Superintendent (ecclesiastical), a church executive performing the duties of a bishop
- Superintendent (education), an education executive or administrator
- Superintendent (politics), the elected head of each Provincial Council in New Zealand from 1853 to 1876
- Superintendent (United States Air Force), a United States Air Force position
- Superintendent (construction), a supervisor who is responsible for scheduling subcontractors on behalf of the general contractor
- Building superintendent, a manager, maintenance or repair person, custodian or janitor, especially in the United States; sometimes shortened to "super"
- Superintendent (hospital), plans, directs, or co-ordinate medical and health services in hospitals and clinics, managed care organizations, public health agencies,
- Soprintendenza's director (Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism (Italy))
English Journal
- The Impact of Market Orientation on Patient Safety Climate Among Hospital Nurses.
- Weng RH1, Chen JC2, Pong LJ3, Chen LM4, Lin TC5.
- Evaluation & the health professions.Eval Health Prof.2016 Mar;39(1):65-86. doi: 10.1177/0163278714521811. Epub 2014 Feb 3.
- Improving market orientation and patient safety have become the key concerns of nursing management. For nurses, establishing a patient safety climate is the key to enhancing nursing quality. This study explores how market orientation affects the climate of patient safety among hospital nurses. We pr
- PMID 24492246
- Radiotherapy-induced skin reactions: assessment and management.
- Bostock S1, Bryan J2.
- British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing).Br J Nurs.2016 Feb 25;25(4):S18-24. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2016.25.4.S18.
- Patients undergoing radiotherapy often experience a skin reaction to their treatment. In an attempt to assist clinicians in the recognition and care of these radiotherapy-induced skin reactions, an assessment and management tool has been designed for use. This patient-focused assessment tool has bee
- PMID 26911177
- The venous lymph node flap for the treatment of peripheral lymphedema: Preliminary evidence.
- Visconti G1,2, Constantinescu T3, Araki J4,3, Salgarello M5, Chen HC6.
- Microsurgery.Microsurgery.2016 Feb 13. doi: 10.1002/micr.30036. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 26872849
- [The Mental Rehabilitation of Burn Patients After a Major Disaster].
- Chou HC1.
- Hu li za zhi The journal of nursing.Hu Li Za Zhi.2016 Feb;63(1):36-41. doi: 10.6224/JN.63.1.36.
- in
English, ChineseTITLE: 重大災難後燒傷病人的心理重建.台灣近十餘年重大災難頻傳,災難已經不是特例,而是常態的一部分,因此,心理重建變成精神醫學的重大課題之一,面對災難所需要的緊急處置應是專業內化的一部分。�
Japanese Journal
- 首長と教育委員会 : 米国との比較から(I <特集1>新教育委員会制度と地方自治)
- 2014年改正地方教育行政法関連資料 : 首長と教育委員会・教育長の関係に着目して
- 日本的雇用関係と「ブラック企業」(小特集趣旨,<小特集>若者「使い捨て」企業問題にどう取り組むか-社会的ネットワークの可能性)
- 橙色の屋根のお家: 発達障害を持つ子ども向けのデジタルプレイセラピーの提案
Related Links
- superintendentとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 (仕事・施設などの)指導監督者, 管理者, 支配人;((米))(アパートの)管理人.2 ((米))(地方教育委員会の)教育長;((英))日曜学校長;((英))(陸海軍諸学校などの)校長.3 ((米))警視監;((英 ...
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- 1554, originally an ecclesiastical word meaning "bishop" or "minister who supervises churches within a district" (a loan-translation of Gk. episkopos "overseer ... super-) + intendere "turn one's attention, direct" (see intend). Famously ...
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