- wash in suds
- a dysphemism for beer (especially for lager that effervesces)
- the froth produced by soaps or detergents (同)suds, lather
- (used of e.g. detergents) producing many suds
- (used of e.g. detergents) producing few suds
- (またsoapsuds)石けんの泡;石けん水 / (一般に)泡 / 《米》ビール
- =suds 1
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/12/06 06:14:11」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Suds or SUDS may refer to :
- Beer (slang)
- foam
- "Suds", an episode of the animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants
- Suds (film), a 1920 silent film produced by and starring Mary Pickford
- Subjective units of distress scale, a psychological term
- Sudden unexplained death syndrome, the sudden unexpected death of adolescents and adults during sleep
- SUDS (Sydney University Dramatic Society)
- Sustainable urban drainage systems
See also
- All pages beginning with "Suds"
- All pages with titles containing "Suds"
- Sud (disambiguation)
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English Journal
- Potential microbial toxicity and non-target impact of different concentrations of glyphosate-containing herbicide (GCH) in a model pervious paving system.
- Mbanaso FU1, Coupe SJ2, Charlesworth SM2, Nnadi EO2, Ifelebuegu AO2.Author information 1Sustainable Drainage Applied Research Group, Coventry University, Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom. Electronic address: mbanasof@uni.coventry.ac.uk.2Sustainable Drainage Applied Research Group, Coventry University, Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom.AbstractPervious Pavement Systems are Sustainable Drainage devices that meet the three-fold SUDS functions of stormwater quantity reduction, quality improvement and amenity benefits. This paper reports on a study to determine the impact of different concentrations of glyphosate-containing herbicides on non-target microorganisms and on the pollutant retention performance of PPS. The experiment was conducted using 0.0484 m(2) test rigs based on a four-layered design. Previous studies have shown that PPS can trap up to 98.7% of applied hydrocarbons, but results of this study show that application of glyphosate-containing herbicides affected this capability as 15%, 9% and 5% of added hydrocarbons were released by high (7200 mg L(-1)), medium (720 mg L(-1)) and low (72 mg L(-1)) glyphosate-containing herbicides concentrations respectively. The concentrations of nutrients released also indicate a potential for eutrophication if these effluents were to infiltrate into aquifers or be released into surface waters. The effect of glyphosate-containing herbicides application on the bacterial and fungal communities was slightly different; fungi exhibited a "top-down" trend as doses of 7200 mg L(-1) glyphosate-containing herbicides yielded the highest fungal growth whilst those with a concentration of 720 mg L(-1) glyphosate-containing herbicides applied yielded the highest bacterial growth. In the case of protists, doses of glyphosate-containing herbicides above 72 mg L(-1) were fatal, but they survived at the lower concentration, especially the ciliates Colpoda cucullus and Colpoda steinii thus indicating potential for their use as biomarkers of herbicide-polluted environments. Data also showed that at the lowest concentration of glyphosate-containing herbicides (72 mg L(-1)), biodegradation processes may not be affected as all trophic levels required for optimum biodegradation of contaminants were present.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2014 Apr;100:34-41. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.12.091. Epub 2014 Jan 24.
- Pervious Pavement Systems are Sustainable Drainage devices that meet the three-fold SUDS functions of stormwater quantity reduction, quality improvement and amenity benefits. This paper reports on a study to determine the impact of different concentrations of glyphosate-containing herbicides on non-
- PMID 24462083
- Event-related potentials in substance use disorders: a narrative review based on articles from 1984 to 2012.
- Campanella S1, Pogarell O, Boutros N.Author information 1Laboratoire de Psychologie Médicaleetd' Addictologie, ULB Neuroscience Institute, CHU Brugmann-Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.AbstractMechanisms that mediate the transition from occasional, controlled, drug use to the impaired control that characterizes severe dependence are still a matter of investigation. The etiology of substance use disorders (SUDs) is complex, and in this context of complexity, the concept of "endophenotype," has gained extensive popularity in recent years. The main aim of endophenotypes is to provide a simpler, more proximal target to discover the biological underpinnings of a psychiatric syndrome. In this view, neurocognitive and neurophysiological impairments that suggest functional impairments associated with SUDs have been proposed as possible endophenotypes. Because of its large amplitude and relatively easy elicitation, the most studied of the cognitive brain event-related potentials (ERPs), the P300 component, has been proposed as one possible candidate. However, if a P300 amplitude alteration is a common finding in SUDs, it is also observable in other psychiatric afflictions, suggesting that the associations found may just reflect a common measure of brain dysfunction. On this basis, it has been proposed that a multivariate endophenotype, based on a weighted combination of electrophysiological features, may provide greater diagnostic classification power than any single endophenotype. The rationale for investigating multiple features is to show that combining them provides extra useful information that is not available in the individual features, leading ultimately to a multivariate phenotype.The aim of the present article is to outline the potential usefulness of this kind of "combined electrophysiological procedure" applied to SUDs. We present a review of ERP studies, combining data from people with SUD, family members, and normal control subjects, to verify whether the combination of 4ERPs (P50, MMN, P300, and N400) may produce profiles of cortical anomalies induced by different types of SUD (alcohol vs cocaine vs cannabis vs heroin).
- Clinical EEG and neuroscience.Clin EEG Neurosci.2014 Apr;45(2):67-76. doi: 10.1177/1550059413495533. Epub 2013 Oct 8.
- Mechanisms that mediate the transition from occasional, controlled, drug use to the impaired control that characterizes severe dependence are still a matter of investigation. The etiology of substance use disorders (SUDs) is complex, and in this context of complexity, the concept of "endophenotype,"
- PMID 24104954
- Stratigraphic analysis of the Sterkfontein StW 573 Australopithecus skeleton and implications for its age.
- Bruxelles L1, Clarke RJ2, Maire R3, Ortega R4, Stratford D5.Author information 1French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (Inrap), 561 rue Etienne Lenoir, km delta, 30900 Nîmes, France; University of Toulouse, UMR 5608 du CNRS (TRACES), Maison de la Recherche, 5 Allées Antonio Matchado, F-31058 Toulouse, France; School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa. Electronic address: laurent.bruxelles@inrap.fr.2Evolutionary Studies Institute, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa. Electronic address: ronald.clarke@wits.ac.za.3University of Bordeaux, UMR 5185 ADES, CNRS, 3 Maison des Suds, 12 Esplanade des Antilles, F-33607 Pessac cedex, France. Electronic address: rmaire@ades.cnrs.fr.4University of Bordeaux, CENBG, UMR 5797, F-33170 Gradignan, France; CNRS, IN2P3, CENBG, UMR 5797, F-33170 Gradignan, France. Electronic address: ortega@cenbg.in2p3.fr.5School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, South Africa. Electronic address: dominic.stratford@wits.ac.za.AbstractStW 573, Little Foot, is the most complete Australopithecus skeleton yet discovered, with many of its bones found in their correct anatomical position. Since the discovery of the in situ skeleton in the Silberberg Grotto in 1997, several teams have attempted to date the fossil. This appeared a simple process because several flowstones are inter-bedded in the breccia above and below StW 573. Dating of these flowstones, using U-Pb (uranium-lead) isotope decay techniques, gave younger results than expected from the fauna and stratigraphic position, around 2.2 Ma (millions of years). Our recent stratigraphic, micromorphological and geochemical studies revealed that the stratigraphy is much more complicated than was previously thought, with localized post-depositional processes leading to the creation of voids within the breccia around the skeleton. These voids were then filled by multiple generations of flowstone growth. The research we present here demonstrates that the proposed dates based on the flowstone deposition can give only a minimum age for StW 573 and that the flowstone formation came after, and probably long after, the breccia deposition. If one takes account of the long evolution of these karst fillings, StW 573 appears to be significantly older than 2.2 Ma.
- Journal of human evolution.J Hum Evol.2014 Mar 31. pii: S0047-2484(14)00058-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2014.02.014. [Epub ahead of print]
- StW 573, Little Foot, is the most complete Australopithecus skeleton yet discovered, with many of its bones found in their correct anatomical position. Since the discovery of the in situ skeleton in the Silberberg Grotto in 1997, several teams have attempted to date the fossil. This appeared a simpl
- PMID 24698198
- Therapeutic doses of buspirone block D3 receptors in the living primate brain.
- Kim SW1, Fowler JS2, Skolnick P3, Muench L1, Kang Y2, Shea C2, Logan J2, Kim D2, Carter P2, King P2, Alexoff D2, Volkow ND1.Author information 1Laboratory of Neuroimaging, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Upton, NY, USA.2Biosciences Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, USA.3National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bethesda, MD, USA.AbstractDopamine D3 receptor (D3R) antagonists may be effective medications for multiple substance use disorders (SUDs). However, no selective D3R antagonists are currently available for clinical testing. Buspirone, originally characterized as a 5-HT1A partial agonist and used as an anxiolytic, also binds to D3R and D4R with high affinity, with lower affinity to D2R, and interferes with cocaine reward. Here we used PET with [11C]PHNO (D3R-preferring radioligand), [11C]raclopride (D2R/D3R radioligand) and [11C]NNC-112 (D1R radioligand) to measure occupancy of oral and parenteral buspirone in the primate brain. Intramuscular buspirone (0.19 and 0.5 mg/kg) blocked both [11C]PHNO and [11C]raclopride binding to striatum, exhibiting high occupancy (50-85%) at 15 min and rapid wash-out over 2-6 h. In contrast, oral buspirone (3 mg/kg) significantly blocked [11C]PHNO binding in D3-rich regions (globus pallidum and midbrain) at 3 h, but had minimal effects on [11C]raclopride binding (28-37% at 1 h and 10% at 3 h). Buspirone did not block [11C]NNC-112. Our findings provide evidence that i.m. buspirone blocks D3R and D2R, whereas oral buspirone is more selective towards D3R blockade in vivo, consistent with extensive first pass metabolism and supporting the hypothesis that its metabolites (5- and 6'-hydroxybuspirone) merit evaluation for treating SUDs. They also indicate that for oral buspirone to achieve greater than 80% sustained D3R occupancy, as might be needed to treat addiction, higher doses (at least three-fold) than those used to treat anxiety (maximal 60 mg) will be required. Nonetheless, based on previous clinical studies, these doses would be safe and well tolerated.
- The international journal of neuropsychopharmacology / official scientific journal of the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologicum (CINP).Int J Neuropsychopharmacol.2014 Mar 28:1-11. [Epub ahead of print]
- Dopamine D3 receptor (D3R) antagonists may be effective medications for multiple substance use disorders (SUDs). However, no selective D3R antagonists are currently available for clinical testing. Buspirone, originally characterized as a 5-HT1A partial agonist and used as an anxiolytic, also binds t
- PMID 24679922
Japanese Journal
- 海外における雨水管理の動向と今後の方向性 (特集 流域の雨水管理に係る最近の海外動向)
- 不安障害治療における行動療法でオノマトペがなぜ有用か?:内部感覚エクスポージャーにオノマトペを用いた実践報告
- 単回使用医療機器のリユースに関する通知 (特集 ICTが知っておきたい 感染対策"私の視点・私の予測"論点・要点2014)
- Infection control : The Japanese journal of infection control 23(12), 1172-1176, 2014-12
- NAID 40020304877
- シングルユース(単回使用)器材の再滅菌使用に関する課題 ―第5回の調査に基づいて―
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