- 同
- supracricoid laryngectomy
- 同
- supracricoid laryngectomy
- surgical removal of part or all of the larynx (usually to treat cancer of the larynx)
- the sum of part of a group of numbers
- 小計
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English Journal
- [Solving problems after rehabilitation with voice prostheses : Two rare cases of fistula-related complications].
- Lorenz KJ1, Nolte S2.
- HNO.HNO.2016 Jul;64(7):508-14. doi: 10.1007/s00106-015-0059-9.
- During the past three decades, the use of voice prostheses has developed worldwide into the gold standard for voice rehabilitation after total laryngectomy. Insertion of a voice prosthesis is a simple and rapid surgical procedure, which is associated with a low rate of complications. The current art
- PMID 26403994
- Rotational thyrotracheopexy after cricoidectomy for low-grade laryngeal chrondrosarcoma.
- Rovó L1, Bach Á1, Sztanó B1, Matievics V1, Szegesdi I2, Castellanos PF3.
- The Laryngoscope.Laryngoscope.2016 Jul 1. doi: 10.1002/lary.26142. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: The complex laryngeal functions are fundamentally defined by the cricoid cartilage. Thus, lesions requiring subtotal or total resection of the cricoid cartilage commonly warrant total laryngectomy. However, from an oncological perspective, the resection of the cricoid cartilage would be
- PMID 27364085
- Subtotal arytenoidectomy for the treatment of laryngeal stridor in multiple system atrophy: phonatory and swallowing results.
- Stomeo F1, Rispoli V2, Sensi M2, Pastore A3, Malagutti N3, Pelucchi S3.
- Brazilian journal of otorhinolaryngology.Braz J Otorhinolaryngol.2016 Jan-Feb;82(1):116-20. doi: 10.1016/j.bjorl.2015.03.016. Epub 2015 Sep 9.
- PMID 26411269
Japanese Journal
- Supracricoid laryngectomy 50症例の臨床的検討
- 中山 明仁,清野 由輩,林 政一,宮本 俊輔,竹田 昌彦,正来 隆,横堀 学,岡本 牧人
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科學會會報 112(7), 540-549, 2009-07-20
- … (目的) Supracricoid laryngectomy (SCL) の導入が当科の喉頭腫瘍治療に与えた影響と本術式の位置づけについて評価することを目的とした.(方法) 1997-2008年の11年間にSCLを施行した50症例を対象として臨床的検討を行った. …
- NAID 10026279473
- 喉頭亜全摘術 Supracricoid laryngectomy : 切除断端の病理組織学的検討
- 中山 明仁,清野 由輩,林 政一,竹田 昌彦,岡本 牧人
- 喉頭 = The Larynx Japan 20(2), 68-71, 2008-12-01
- NAID 10024824202
- 長谷川 稔文,岩江 信法,田中 博紀,米澤 宏一郎
- 喉頭 = The Larynx Japan 19(2), 120-124, 2007-12-01
- NAID 10029540627
Related Links
- subtotal laryngectomy Surgical oncology Partial excision of the larynx for invasive CA of the epiglottis and false vocal cords. See Laryngectomy. ... One surgical option is subtotal laryngectomy and/or partial pharyngectomy, which ...
- 1.A modified technique of subtotal laryngectomy with removal of half of the larynx vertically and the upper half of the contralateral larynx including the ventricle and upper margin of the vocal cord
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