- compliant and obedient to authority; "editors and journalists who express opinions in print that are opposed to the interests of the rich are dismissed and replaced by subservient ones"-G. B. Shaw
- 卑友な,こびへつらう;(…に)こびる《+to+名》 / 役立つ,重要な;(…に)役立つ《+to+名》
English Journal
- Methylphenidate Enhances Grip Force and Alters Brain Connectivity.
- King M1, Rauch LHG, Brooks SJ, Stein DJ, Lutz K.
- Medicine and science in sports and exercise.Med Sci Sports Exerc.2017 Jul;49(7):1443-1451. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000001252.
- PMID 28277403
- Local and regional control of calcium dynamics in the pancreatic islet.
- Rutter GA1, Hodson DJ2, Chabosseau P1, Haythorne E1, Pullen TJ1, Leclerc I1.
- Diabetes, obesity & metabolism.Diabetes Obes Metab.2017 May 3. doi: 10.1111/dom.12990. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 28466490
- Inter-sigmulon communication through topological promoter coupling.
- Del Peso Santos T1, Shingler V2.
- Nucleic acids research.Nucleic Acids Res.2016 Nov 16;44(20):9638-9649. Epub 2016 Jul 15.
- PMID 27422872
- Masochism and its Rhythm.
- Civitarese G.
- Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association.J Am Psychoanal Assoc.2016 Oct 17. pii: 0003065116674442. [Epub ahead of print]
- Over five years, from 1919 to 1924, Freud dealt with masochism in three texts written in close proximity: "A Child Is Being Beaten," Beyond the Pleasure Principle, and "The Economic Problem of Masochism." Initially Freud explains masochism as incestuous fixation on the father and regression to prege
- PMID 27754917
Japanese Journal
- 山内 暁彦
- 言語文化研究 22, 19-44, 2014-12
- … The simple and overworking carthorse Boxer represents working class people in that he is so devoted to the farm and to Napoleon and he serves as a role model for other subservient animals. …
- NAID 120005541249
- RAMIREZ Carlos
- 近畿大学総合社会学部紀要 2(1), 25-45, 2012-07
- … In fact, the bias against agriculture that existed from the middle of the last century to the beginning of this one has relegated agriculture to a role subservient to industry. …
- NAID 120004853622
- 小倉 宗
- 史學雜誌 117(11), 1915-1949, 2008-11-20
- … The Kamigata functionaries found themselves in a dual structure in terms of subodination: responsible to the senior Bakufu officials in terms of social status, while subservient to the two Kamigata governors in terms of administrative duties. …
- NAID 110007024825
- アメリカにおけるホームレス状態への福祉政策と治安政策の「併存」に関する一考察
- 野田 博也
- 社会福祉学 48(1), 17-29, 2007-05-31
- 本稿の目的は,近年のアメリカにおけるホームレス状態への福祉政策と治安政策の「併存」を説明することであり,ついで両政策の「併存」の意味を考察することである.まず,政策認識と政策対象から両政策の関係を分析することにより,近年に拡大する両政策の対象は同一ではなく,その関係は二律背反の原理に則していることが分かった.しかし,その治安政策の対象はホームレス状態での生活に強く関連する行為であるため,あたかも福 …
- NAID 110006279223
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