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English Journal
- Skin and Nipple-Areola Complex Sparing Mastectomy in Breast Cancer Patients: 15-Year Experience.
- Stanec Z, Zic R, Budi S, Stanec S, Milanović R, Vlajčić Z, Roje Z, Rudman F, Martić K, Held R, Božo G.Author information From the Department of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, University Hospital "Dubrava," Zagreb, Croatia.AbstractSkin and nipple-areola complex sparing mastectomy (SNSM) and primary reconstruction have been popular for breast cancer treatment in the last decade. An advantage of the SNSM technique is the removal of all breast tissue as a radical surgical procedure while preserving native breast integrity, nipple-areola complex (NAC), and submammary fold. This retrospective 15-year clinical study analyzes medical records from our breast surgery database collected at our department between 1997 and 2012. A total number of 3757 patients were treated for breast cancer; 411 (10.9%) patients had a skin-sparing mastectomy with the median (range) length follow-up of 63 months. This is the longest follow-up for SNSM in breast cancer patients; 3.7% of patients who underwent SNSM developed disease local recurrence, whereas occult NAC involvement with cancer occurred in 7.7% and local recurrence in the NAC in 1.2%. Partial necrosis of the NAC developed in 9.4% and total necrosis in 0.7% of operated breasts. All disease recurrences occurred in the first 10 years of the follow-up period. Local recurrence developed as first recurrence event has longer median cancer-specific survival time of 70 months than those with only distant metastases with 50 months and locoregional plus distant metastases with 35.5 months. The "Omega" pattern incision combines an oncological radical procedure with a lower incidence of skin flap necrosis. Patients reconstructed with autologous tissue were the group most satisfied. SNSM is an oncological safe procedure for breast cancer treatment with low recurrence in properly selected patients.
- Annals of plastic surgery.Ann Plast Surg.2013 Dec 25. [Epub ahead of print]
- Skin and nipple-areola complex sparing mastectomy (SNSM) and primary reconstruction have been popular for breast cancer treatment in the last decade. An advantage of the SNSM technique is the removal of all breast tissue as a radical surgical procedure while preserving native breast integrity, nippl
- PMID 24378808
- A 42-year-old woman with a submammary intertrigo.
- Nazzaro G, Vaira F, Coggi A, Gianotti R.
- International journal of dermatology.Int J Dermatol.2013 Sep;52(9):1035-6. doi: 10.1111/ijd.12079.
- PMID 23962260
- Small right vertical infra-axillary incision for minimally invasive port-access cardiac surgery: a moving window method.
- Kaneda T, Nishino T, Saga T, Nakamoto S, Ogawa T, Satsu T.Author information Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kinki University School of Medicine, Osaka-Sayama City, Osaka, Japan. toshio_kaneda@hotmail.co.jpAbstractPort-access cardiac surgery has been developed to minimize skin incision and improve cosmetic outcomes. Using this method, a skin incision is generally made just above where the thoracotomy will be placed, horizontally along the intercostal space at the anterolateral submammary position. However, this type of incision can affect the frontal view and shape of the breast. Here, we report our experience with minimally invasive cardiac surgery using a port-access approach via a small vertical right infra-axillary incision and a moving window method. Twenty patients underwent surgical procedures with this approach from December 2010 to January 2012. Thirteen patients underwent mitral valvuloplasty, four mitral valve replacement, one mitral and tricuspid valve replacement and atrial septal defect closure and two atrial septal defect closure. All surgical procedures were completed using this minimally invasive method. All patients had an uneventful recovery and indicated that they were satisfied with the cosmetic results during the follow-up. Our experience suggests that this technique can effectively minimize skin incision and improve cosmetic outcomes.
- Interactive cardiovascular and thoracic surgery.Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg.2013 Apr;16(4):544-6. doi: 10.1093/icvts/ivs544. Epub 2013 Jan 4.
- Port-access cardiac surgery has been developed to minimize skin incision and improve cosmetic outcomes. Using this method, a skin incision is generally made just above where the thoracotomy will be placed, horizontally along the intercostal space at the anterolateral submammary position. However, th
- PMID 23293265
Japanese Journal
- 手術時の工夫 僧帽弁閉鎖不全に対する右乳房下切開・開胸による弁形成術
- Off-Pump Open Pulmonary Embolectomy for Major Bilateral Pulmonary Emboli : Report of a Case
- Surgery today : the Japanese journal of surgery 36(3), 274-276, 2006-03-01
- NAID 10017349752
- 右胸腔を占拠しCA19-9の異常高値を呈した巨大縦隔成熟型奇形腫の一治験例
- 四方 裕夫,松原 純一,土島 秀次,塚 正彦
- 日本呼吸器外科学会雑誌 14(5), 649-654, 2000-07-15
- 12歳, 女性.発熱・胸痛・咳嗽を主訴として近医を受診, 右胸腔に巨大な腫瘤を指摘された.胸部MRI, 胸部CT, 血液生化学的諸検査などを施行した.CA19-9が異常高値を呈し, 右胸腔をほとんど占拠する巨大な腫瘤で, 縦隔左偏位, 拘束性肺障害, 脊柱側弯を認めた.原発部位不明の奇形腫を考慮した.縦隔内血管への浸潤・癒着が不明なため胸骨正中切開としたが, 腫瘤の摘出が困難で, 乳房下皮膚切開, …
- NAID 110001272270
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- mammary / ˈmæm ə ri / Show Spelled [mam-uh-ree] Show IPA adjective Anatomy, Zoology. of or pertaining to the mamma or breast. Origin: 1675–85; mamm(a) 2 + -ary Related forms intermammary, adjective postmammary, adjective
- submammary /sub·mam·ma·ry/ (sub-mam´ah-re) below the mammary gland. submammary [sub-mam´ah-re] below the mammary gland. sub·mam·ma·ry (sŭb-mam'ă-rē), 1. Deep to the mammary gland. 2. Synonym(s): inframammary
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- submammary, submammary region 乳腺下部(領域)
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- submammary