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Subependymoma |
Classification and external resources |
Micrograph of a subependymoma showing the characteristic clustering of nuclei. H&E stain. |
ICD-O: |
9383/1 |
Subependymomas of the fourth ventricle, extending into the cerebellopontine angle via the foramen of Luschka, right side of illustration.
A subependymoma is a type of brain tumor; specifically, it is a rare form of ependymal tumor.[1]
The prognosis for a subependymoma is better than for most ependymal tumors,[2] and is considered a grade I/IV tumor in the World Health Organization (WHO) classification.
They are classically found within the fourth ventricle, typically have a well demarcated interface to normal tissue and do not usually extend into the brain parenchyma, like ependymomas often do.[3]
The diagnosis is based on tissue, e.g. a biopsy. Histologically subependymomas consistent of microcystic spaces and bland appearing cells without appreciable nuclear atypia or mitoses. The nuclei tend to form clusters.
- ^ Orakcioglu B, Schramm P, Kohlhof P, Aschoff A, Unterberg A, Halatsch ME (January 2009). "Characteristics of thoracolumbar intramedullary subependymomas". J Neurosurg Spine 10 (1): 54–9. doi:10.3171/2008.10.SPI08311. PMID 19119934.
- ^ Prayson RA, Suh JH (April 1999). "Subependymomas: clinicopathologic study of 14 tumors, including comparative MIB-1 immunohistochemical analysis with other ependymal neoplasms". Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. 123 (4): 306–9. PMID 10320142.
- ^ Hoeffel, C.; Boukobza, M.; Polivka, M.; Lot, G.; Guichard, JP.; Lafitte, F.; Reizine, D.; Merland, JJ.. "MR manifestations of subependymomas.". AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 16 (10): 2121–9. PMID 8585504.
Nervous tissue tumors/NS neoplasm/Neuroectodermal tumor (ICD-O 9350–9589) (C70–C72, D32–D33, 191–192/225)
sellar (9350–9379) |
sellar: Craniopharyngioma · Pituicytoma
other: Pinealoma
(9380–9539) |
(brain tumors,
spinal tumors)
Astrocytoma (Pilocytic astrocytoma, Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, Fibrillary (also diffuse or lowgrade) astrocytomas, Anaplastic astrocytoma, Glioblastoma multiforme)
Ependymoma · Subependymoma
Choroid plexus
Choroid plexus tumor (Choroid plexus papilloma, Choroid plexus carcinoma)
Oligoastrocytoma · Gliomatosis cerebri · Gliosarcoma
Ganglioneuroma: Ganglioglioma · Retinoblastoma · Neurocytoma · Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumour · Lhermitte-Duclos disease
Neuroblastoma (Esthesioneuroblastoma, Ganglioneuroblastoma) · Medulloblastoma · Atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor
Meningioma, Hemangiopericytoma
Primary central nervous system lymphoma
(9540–9579) |
cranial and paraspinal nerves: Neurofibroma (Neurofibrosarcoma, Neurofibromatosis) · Neurilemmoma/Schwannoma (Acoustic neuroma) · Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor
note: not all brain tumors are of nervous tissue, and not all nervous tissue tumors are in the brain (see brain metastases)
noco(m/d/e/h/v/s)/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug(N1A/2AB/C/3/4/7A/B/C/D)
noco/auto/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
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English Journal
- Infratentorial and intraparenchymal subependymoma in the cerebellum: case report.
- Kim Y1, Lee SY2, Yi KS1, Cha SH2, Gang MH1, Cho BS2, Lee YM3.Author information 1Department of Radiology, Chungbuk National University Hospital, Cheongju 361-711, Korea.2Department of Radiology, College of Medicine and Medical Research Institute, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 361-711, Korea.3Department of Pathology, Chungbuk National University Hospital, Cheongju 361-711, Korea.AbstractSubependymomas are rare benign tumors located in the ventricular system. Intraparenchymal subependymoma is extremely rare; only 6 cases have been reported, and all were located in the supratentorial region. We describe a case of infratentorial, intraparenchymal subependymoma in a 28-year-old man with intermittent headache. Imaging revealed a well-demarcated cystic and solid cerebellar mass near the fourth ventricle. The mass had a microcystic component and calcification without contrast enhancement. Complete surgical excision was performed, and histopathology confirmed a subependymoma.
- Korean journal of radiology : official journal of the Korean Radiological Society.Korean J Radiol.2014 Jan;15(1):151-5. doi: 10.3348/kjr.2014.15.1.151. Epub 2014 Jan 8.
- Subependymomas are rare benign tumors located in the ventricular system. Intraparenchymal subependymoma is extremely rare; only 6 cases have been reported, and all were located in the supratentorial region. We describe a case of infratentorial, intraparenchymal subependymoma in a 28-year-old man wit
- PMID 24497806
- Outcome of open transcortical approach in the management of intraventricular lesions.
- Mazher S, Imran M, Ashraf J, Ahmed A, Shah IU, Zulfiqar F.Author information Department of Neurosurgery, Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi.AbstractOBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcome of management of intraventricular lesions operated by an open transcortical (nonendoscopic) approach.
- Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan : JCPSP.J Coll Physicians Surg Pak.2013 Dec;23(12):857-61. doi: 12.2013/JCPSP.857861.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the outcome of management of intraventricular lesions operated by an open transcortical (nonendoscopic) approach.STUDY DESIGN: Case series.PLACE AND DURATION OF STUDY: Department of Neurosurgery, Dow University of Health Sciences and Civil Hospital, Karachi, from January 2009
- PMID 24304988
- Delayed leptomeningeal and subependymal seeding after multiple surgeries for supratentorial diffuse low-grade gliomas in adults.
- Alvarez de Eulate-Beramendi S, Rigau V, Taillandier L, Duffau H.Author information Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA), Oviedo, Spain;AbstractObject Diffuse WHO Grade II glioma (diffuse low-grade glioma [DLGG]) is an infiltrative brain tumor that usually migrates along the white matter fibers. The delayed CSF dissemination of supratentorial DLGGs is an exceptional complication and is rarely described in adults. Here, the authors report outcomes in a surgical series of 9 patients with DLGGs with subsequent leptomeningeal and/or subependymal seeding (LMSS) following multiple incomplete resections. Methods The authors performed a retrospective review of patients who underwent surgery for histopathologically confirmed WHO Grade II gliomas between 1998 and 2012 and experienced a secondary CSF spread. Information regarding clinical features, surgical procedures, histopathological results, adjuvant treatment, and clinical outcomes was collected and analyzed. Results Nine consecutive patients were included in this study. There were 6 men and 3 women whose mean age was 35.5 years (range 22-59 years) at the time of initial symptom onset. All patients underwent surgery with the aid of intraoperative mapping, with incomplete tumor removal because of invasion of eloquent structures. The neuropathological examination diagnosed a DLGG in all cases (7 oligodendrogliomas, 1 astrocytoma, and 1 oligoastrocytoma). Five patients had a 1p19q codeletion. Because of tumor regrowth, the 9 patients underwent reoperation (2 surgeries in 6 cases and 3 surgeries in 3 cases), again with incomplete resection. There were no surgical complications. Adjuvant therapy (radiotherapy and chemotherapy) was administered in all patients because of progression to a higher grade of malignancy that was histopathologically confirmed in all tumors. The patients suddenly worsened, and the diagnosis of LMSS was made with a mean delay of 77 months (range 27-140 months) after the initial symptom onset. Six patients benefited from salvage chemotherapy while palliative care was chosen in 3 cases. The median survival in the 6 patients who underwent LMSS treatment was significantly longer than that in the 3 patients who did not receive salvage chemotherapy (p = 0.03). Indeed, all patients died, with a mean delay between the diagnosis of LMSS and death of 11 months (range 2-38 months) and with a mean delay between the initial symptom onset and death of 88 months (range 34-144 months). Conclusions Cerebrospinal fluid dissemination of DLGG is a rare but possible event. It can occur throughout the progression of WHO Grade II oligodendrogliomas, oligoastrocytomas, and astrocytomas, regardless of 1p19q status. This complication seems to appear in patients who have undergone multiple incomplete resections. Salvage therapy can be considered in patients with good neurological status. However, LMSS is associated with a decreased overall survival. Therefore, this rare entity deserves further multicenter studies to better understand its pathophysiology and to adapt therapeutic strategies.
- Journal of neurosurgery.J Neurosurg.2013 Nov 29. [Epub ahead of print]
- Object Diffuse WHO Grade II glioma (diffuse low-grade glioma [DLGG]) is an infiltrative brain tumor that usually migrates along the white matter fibers. The delayed CSF dissemination of supratentorial DLGGs is an exceptional complication and is rarely described in adults. Here, the authors report ou
- PMID 24286144
Japanese Journal
- Atypical Hemorrhagic Presentation of a Fourth Ventricle Subependymoma: Case Report
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica 53(11), 828-831, 2013
- … Objective: To present a case of a fourth ventricle subependymoma (SE) with a spontaneous acute subarachnoid intra-cisternal bleeding. …
- NAID 130003383197
- 柳下 章
- 脊髄外科 : 日本脊髄外科研究会機関誌 = Spinal surgery : official journal of the Japanese Society of Spinal Surgery 25(3), 242-247, 2011-12-25
- NAID 10030031531
- 症例報告 突然の脳ヘルニアをきたしたsubependymomaの1例
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- Subependymomas are uncommon, benign (WHO grade I) tumours which are slow growing and non-invasive. They tend to occur in middle-aged and older individuals and usually identified as an incidental finding. TerminologyThese ...
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