- strip the cured leaves from; "strip tobacco"
- take off or remove; "strip a wall of its wallpaper" (同)dismantle
- remove (someones or ones own) clothes; "The nurse quickly undressed the accident victim"; "She divested herself of her outdoor clothes"; "He disinvested himself of his garments" (同)undress, divest, disinvest
- draw the last milk (of cows)
- remove a constituent from a liquid
- remove the thread (of screws)
- artifact consisting of a narrow flat piece of material (同)slip
- a form of erotic entertainment in which a dancer gradually undresses to music; "she did a strip right in front of everyone" (同)striptease, strip show
- thin piece of wood or metal
- a relatively long narrow piece of something; "he felt a flat strip of muscle"
- remove the surface from; "strip wood"
- the act of marking with stripes
- 筋(しま)のある
- …‘を'『裸にする』;(…を)…からはぎ取って裸にする《+名+of+名》 / (…から)…‘を'『取り去る』,はぎ取る《+名+off(+off+名)+from+名》 / (権利・栄誉・持と物などを)〈人など〉‘から'『奪う』,剥奪する《+名〈人〉+of+名》 / 〈ボルト・ギア・ねじなど〉‘の'ねじ山をすり減らす / 服を脱ぐ,裸になる《+off》
- (布・板・土地などの)『細長い一片』《+of+名》 / (飛行機)の滑走路(airstrip) / =comic strip
English Journal
- These lemons are sour: Investigating the influence of demonstrative determiners on the N400 complex.
- Dudschig C1, Maienborn C2, Kaup B2.
- Neuroscience letters.Neurosci Lett.2016 Sep 6;630:141-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2016.07.031. Epub 2016 Jul 25.
- Demonstrative determiners create a joint focus of attention of speaker and hearer on a particular set of entities in a given context. Despite their omnipresence, very little is known with regard to the online integration of demonstrative determiners during comprehension. Here we investigated whether
- PMID 27461788
- Loop-Nodal and Point-Nodal Semimetals in Three-Dimensional Honeycomb Lattices.
- Ezawa M1.
- Physical review letters.Phys Rev Lett.2016 Mar 25;116(12):127202. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.127202. Epub 2016 Mar 24.
- A honeycomb structure has a natural extension to three dimensions. Simple examples are hyperhoneycomb and stripy-honeycomb lattices, which are realized in β-Li_{2}IrO_{3} and γ-Li_{2}IrO_{3}, respectively. We propose a wide class of three-dimensional (3D) honeycomb lattices which are loop-nodal se
- PMID 27058097
- Au Nanowire-Striped Cu3P Platelet Photoelectrocatalysts.
- Dutta A1, Samantara AK2, Adhikari SD1, Jena BK2, Pradhan N1.
- The journal of physical chemistry letters.J Phys Chem Lett.2016 Mar 17;7(6):1077-82. doi: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b00341. Epub 2016 Mar 8.
- A stripy pattern of continuous epitaxial growth of thin Au nanowires on plasmonic Cu3P platelets is reported. The obtained Au-Cu3P heterostructures retain their wide area interfacial heterojunction, which is typically not observed in metal-semiconductor heterostructures. This is performed by phosphi
- PMID 26938025
Japanese Journal
- A Study of Visual Effect of Black/White Stripe Used for Sportswear.
- 徳山 孝子,水谷 千代美,上條 正義,佐渡山 亜兵,清水 義雄
- 繊維製品消費科学会誌 43(12), 819-826, 2002
- 人はスポーツウェアのラインの入ったデザインを見たときに足の長さ, 細さ感をどのように感じ取っているかを実験的に検討した.また足が長く, 細く感じるスポーツウェアはどのようなものかを検討した.<BR>その結果, 白無地は短く, 太く感じるのに対して黒ラインを入れたすべての試料は長く, 細く感じた.このことから, 白無地に黒ラインを入れることによって錯視効果が生じることが明らかになった.白 …
- NAID 130004009729
- Using A Least Squares Filter to Improve the Binarization of Stripy Patterns (マルチメディア情報処理,映像表現,ネットワーク映像メディア,画像情報システム第3回International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology(IWAIT2001))
- Suzuki Akira,Shio Akio,Wakahara Toru [他],OHTSUKA Sakuichi
- 映像情報メディア学会技術報告 25(11), 13-16, 2001-02-08
- … This paper describes a method that can improve the binarization of stripy patterns like wood rings or fingerprints while strongly suppressing noise. …
- NAID 110003688745
- Using A Least Squares Filter to Improve the Binarization of Stripy Patterns (第3回International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology(IWAIT2000)〔英文〕)
- Suzuki Akira,Shio Akio,Wakahara Toru [他],OHTSUKA Sakuichi
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. IE, 画像工学 100(615), 13-16, 2001-02-01
- … This paper describes a method that can improve the binarization of stripy patterns like wood rings or fingerprints while strongly suppressing noise. …
- NAID 110003195415
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- strip·y (strī′pē) adj. strip·i·er, strip·i·est Marked with or suggestive of stripes; striped. stripy (ˈstraɪpɪ) or stripey adj, stripier or stripiest marked by or with stripes; striped strip•y (ˈstraɪ pi) adj. strip•i•er, strip•i•est. marked with stripes. ...
- Stripy | marked by or with stripes; striped | Definition, pronunciation, examples & translations ... stripy stripy | meaning of stripy in Collins Dictionaries stripy meaning, definition, what is stripy: marked by or with stripes; striped: Learn ...
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