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- 1. 成人の鼠径ヘルニアと大腿ヘルニアの分類、臨床的特徴、診断classification clinical features and diagnosis of inguinal and femoral hernias in adults [show details]
…Although all groin hernias can strangulate, femoral hernias appear to be more predisposed to this complication . On physical examination, an incarcerated or strangulated hernia may be painful to palpation …
- 2. 痔核:臨床症状および診断hemorrhoids clinical manifestations and diagnosis [show details]
…defecation or straining, and require manual reduction; Grade IV hemorrhoids are irreducible and may strangulate; The true prevalence of hemorrhoids is uncertain as anorectal discomfort is often attributed …
- 3. 子宮摘出後の膣断端離開vaginal cuff dehiscence after hysterectomy [show details]
… vaginal musculature, and the pubocervical fascial ring. The goal is to reapproximate but not strangulate the vaginal cuff tissue. For laparoscopic repair, some data suggest lower risk of cuff dehiscence…
- 4. 皮膚生検の手技skin biopsy techniques [show details]
…the position of the free end and needle end of the suture with each knot. "Approximate, don't strangulate" acknowledges the importance of proper tension on the suture. Excessive tension can be recognized…
English Journal
- Low molecular weight glutenin subunit gene composition at Glu-D3 loci of Aegilops tauschii and common wheat and a further view of wheat evolution.
- Shen L, Luo G, Song Y, Song S, Li Y, Yang W, Li X, Sun J, Liu D, Zhang A.
- TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2018 Dec;131(12)2745-2763.
- A comprehensive comparison of LMW-GS genes between Ae. tauschii and its progeny common wheat. Low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GSs) are determinant of wheat flour processing quality. However, the LMW-GS gene composition in Aegilops tauschii, the wheat D genome progenitor, has not been com
- PMID 30225644
- Unlocking the novel genetic diversity and population structure of synthetic Hexaploid wheat.
- Bhatta M, Morgounov A, Belamkar V, Poland J, Baenziger PS.
- BMC genomics. 2018 Aug;19(1)591.
- Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) is a reconstitution of hexaploid wheat from its progenitors (Triticum turgidum ssp. durum L.; AABB x Aegilops tauschii Coss.; DD) and has novel sources of genetic diversity for broadening the genetic base of elite bread wheat (BW) germplasm (T. aestivum L). Understand
- PMID 30081829
- Self-Strangulation Turning into Partial Hanging for a Suicide Victim.
- Swain R, Bakshi MS, Dhaka S, Singh KK, Sikary AK.
- Journal of forensic sciences. 2018 Jul;63(4)1309-1311.
- Hanging is the most common asphyxial method of suicide, whereas suicide by strangulation is unusual. Here, we are reporting a particular methodology of the asphyxial method of suicide in which a case of self-strangulation culminated into partial hanging. A 30-year-old male wrapped one end of the cab
- PMID 29084359
Japanese Journal
- 結節形成による腸閉塞を生じた Meckel 憩室の1例
- 平崎 憲範,福永 正氣,菅野 雅彦,吉川 征一郎,大内 昌和,東 大輔
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japan Surgical Association 74(5), 1286-1289, 2013-05-25
- われわれは結節形成によるMeckel憩室腸閉塞を経験したので報告する.症例は58歳の男性.4日前からの腹痛で当院を受診し,腸閉塞の診断で入院となった.しかし翌日も腹部所見改善なく,診断的腹腔鏡手術を施行したところ,茎の長いMeckel憩室が結節を形成して回腸を絞扼していた.絞扼腸管の虚血が高度であったためMeckel憩室を含めた前後回腸を切除した.術後経過は良好であった.結節形成によるMeckel …
- NAID 10031177939
- 腹腔鏡下胆嚢摘出術後トラカール刺入創への大網脱出による索状物形成に伴う絞掘性イレウスの1例
- 砂川 理三郎,磯部 潔,貫野 宏典,小林 尚史,臼田 亮介,中島 昭人,白石 好,稲葉 浩久,中山 隆盛,西海 孝男,森 俊治,古田 凱亮
- 静岡赤十字病院研究報 = Journal of Japanese Red Cross Shizuoka Hospital 24(1), 113-116, 2004-12-01
- NAID 120006349808
- 千田 嘉毅,長谷川 洋,小木曽 清二,長澤 圭一,永井 英雅,高橋 祐
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 61(9), 2498-2502, 2000
- 症例は16歳男性,上腹部痛を主訴に来院し,イレウスの診断で入院した.入院2日目に腹痛の増強,腹水の出現を認めたため.絞扼性イレウスの診断で開腹手術を施行した.約40cmの小腸係蹄が索状物に絞扼されており,索状物と壊死腸管を切除した.索状物は臍腸管嚢胞と思われた.<br> 臍腸管嚢胞自体には炎症や,腹壁へ達する索状物,癒着などを認めず,それ自体が小腸に巻き付き,結び目を作って絞扼しており …
- NAID 130003602143
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