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English Journal
- Severe inflammation associated with synovitis, acne, pustulosis, hyperostosis, osteitis (SAPHO) syndrome was markedly ameliorated by single use of minocycline.
- Takizawa Y, Murota A, Setoguchi K, Suzuki Y.SourceDepartment of Allergy and Immunological Diseases, Tokyo Metropolitan Komagome Hospital, Honkomagome 3-18-22, Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo, 1130021, Japan, ytaki-tky@umin.ac.jp.
- Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism Association.Mod Rheumatol.2013 Feb 11. [Epub ahead of print]
- We describe the case of a 63-year-old female who presented with severe inflammatory spondylitis, refractory to various antibiotics. Mycobacterial and fungal osteomyelitis were unlikely. Although asymptomatic, she also had osteomyelitis in the sternocostoclavicular region, and was suspected of having
- PMID 23397374
- Intra-articular glucocorticosteroid injection into sternocostoclavicular joints in patients with SAPHO syndrome.
- Jung J, Molinger M, Kohn D, Schreiber M, Pfreundschuh M, Assmann G.SourceUniversity Saarland Medical School, Orthopedics, Kirrbergerstraße 1, Homburg, Germany.
- Seminars in arthritis and rheumatism.Semin Arthritis Rheum.2012 Dec;42(3):266-70. doi: 10.1016/j.semarthrit.2012.03.012. Epub 2012 May 5.
- OBJECTIVE: Painful swelling of the anterior chest wall caused by osteitis and hyperostosis in the sternocostoclavicular region are characteristically observed in patients suffering from SAPHO syndrome. Autoimmune triggering of inflammation and bacterial infection is hypothesized to be involved in th
- PMID 22560016
Japanese Journal
- 著明な胸肋鎖骨肥厚症を認めたSAPHO症候群の1例
- 難波 史代,林 敏清,石賀 充典,岸本 道博,矢木 真一,沖本 二郎
- 日本呼吸器学会雑誌 = The journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society 48(11), 810-814, 2010-11-10
- NAID 10027677759
- 胸肋鎖骨肥厚症により内胸動脈剥離が困難であった1例
- 宮内 忠雅,島袋 勝也,村上 栄司,梅田 幸生,福本 行臣,石田 成吏洋,竹村 博文
- 日本心臓血管外科学会雑誌 38(1), 60-63, 2009-01-15
- 症例は78歳男性.胸部痛で当院を受診し,急性心筋梗塞にてPOBAを施行された後手術目的で紹介された.術前CTにて胸骨鎖骨の肥大と胸鎖関節の癒合を認めていた.術中,胸骨は厚く切断は非常に困難であった.胸膜も著明に肥厚し周囲組織と強固に癒着しており,LITAは検索したが不明であった.RITAも同様であったが中枢側5cm程の剥離が可能であった.RITAはSVGとI-composit graftを作製し, …
- NAID 110007028522
- 症例報告 中年期に診断された胸肋鎖関節病変を伴う強直性脊椎炎の2例
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- 英
- sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis
- 同
- 胸肋鎖骨骨増殖症、胸肋鎖骨過形成症 sternocostoclavicular hyperostosis、胸肋鎖骨過形成 sternocostoclavicular hyperplasia、胸肋鎖骨異常骨化症、胸肋鎖骨間骨化症
- 関
- 扁桃病巣感染、掌蹠膿疱症
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- osteophytosis
- 同
- 骨肥厚
- 同
- 骨肥厚