the quality of being complete or utter or extreme; "the starkness of his contrast between justice and fairness was open to many objections" (同)absoluteness, utterness
English Journal
The state, class and the allocation of health resources in southern Africa.
Andersson N, Marks S.SourceSchool of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, England.
Social science & medicine (1982).Soc Sci Med.1989;28(5):515-30.
In Africa the literature specifically linking the state, class and the allocation of health resources is sparse, and the evidential base for health research is inadequate and difficult to interpret. This paper looks at some of the ways in which state, class and health may be related in southern Afri
While there is a lot of hands in air or out in front (somewhat zombielike) this stylised chorus choreography mirrored the starkness of the designs, a simple blue wall for the Hebrews (also dressed and made up in blue and green ...