- the branch of biology that studies the structure and function of cells
- 細胞学
- つば,たん
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English Journal
- Pseudofungal tap water contaminants in sputum cytology.
- Martínez-Girón R.SourceCFGS Anatomía Patológica y Citología, Instituto de Piedras Blancas, Asturias, Spain. rmartinezgiron@hotmail.com.
- Diagnostic cytopathology.Diagn Cytopathol.2012 Nov 16. doi: 10.1002/dc.22937. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 23166116
- Atopic asthmatic patients have reduced airway inflammatory cell recruitment after inhaled endotoxin challenge compared with healthy volunteers.
- Hernandez ML, Herbst M, Lay JC, Alexis NE, Brickey WJ, Ting JP, Zhou H, Peden DB.SourceCenter for Environmental Medicine, Asthma and Lung Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC; Department of Pediatrics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC. Electronic address: Michelle_Hernandez@med.unc.edu.
- The Journal of allergy and clinical immunology.J Allergy Clin Immunol.2012 Oct;130(4):869-876.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2012.05.026. Epub 2012 Jul 4.
- BACKGROUND: Atopic asthmatic patients are reported to be more sensitive to the effects of environmental endotoxin (LPS) than healthy volunteers (HVs). It is unknown whether this sensitivity is due to dysregulated inflammatory responses after LPS exposure in atopic asthmatic patients.OBJECTIVE: We so
- PMID 22770265
Japanese Journal
- 肺癌検診における喀痰細胞診で発見された末梢型肺扁平上皮癌の細胞像の検討:—中心型肺扁平上皮癌との比較—
- 肺癌検診の動向―地域保健・健康増進事業報告を用いた分析―