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Not to be confused with speculum.
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A spiculum is a late Roman spear that replaced the pilum as the infantryman's main throwing javelin around AD 250. Scholars suppose that it could have resulted from the gradual combination of the pilum and two German spears, the angon and the bebra. As more and more Germans joined the Roman army, their culture and traditions became a driving force for change. The spiculum was better than the old pilum when used as a thrusting spear, but still maintained some of the former weapon's penetrative power when thrown.
Vegetius mentions the spiculum in his military manual, but some scholars maintain that the spiculum was simply a different name for the pilum. Whatever the case, most historians accept that the spiculum evolved from the earlier javelins used by the Roman army.
The main difference between the spiculum and the pilum was the length of the thin point. The spiculum tended to have a much shorter iron point. Thus, the spiculum was significantly shorter than its ancestor, perhaps 190 cm long. The spiculum had a medium iron shank attached to the head. Its exact design is not fully known as there were many variants. The spiculum fell out of favour with the Roman army some time after AD 400.
See also[edit source | edit]
- Pole weapon
- Javelin
- Pilum
- Verutum
- Lancea
- Roman military personal equipment
English Journal
- Sarandibrinus, a new genus of Saprininae subfamily from Madagascar (Coleoptera, Histeridae) (Second contribution to the knowledge of the Histeridae of Madagascar).
- Lackner T1, Gomy Y2.
- ZooKeys.Zookeys.2014 Jul 22;(427):109-25. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.427.4799. eCollection 2014.
- in
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- Spatial patterns of soil pathogens in declining Mediterranean forests: implications for tree species regeneration.
- Gómez-Aparicio L1, Ibáñez B, Serrano MS, De Vita P, Avila JM, Pérez-Ramos IM, García LV, Esperanza Sánchez M, Marañón T.
- The New phytologist.New Phytol.2012 Jun;194(4):1014-24. doi: 10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04108.x. Epub 2012 Mar 16.
- Soil-borne pathogens are a key component of the belowground community because of the significance of their ecological and socio-economic impacts. However, very little is known about the complexity of their distribution patterns in natural systems. Here, we explored the patterns, causes and ecologica
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- New subgenus and new species of Oriental Omophorus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Molytinae, Metatygini).
- Wang Z1, Alonso-Zarazaga MA, Ren L, Zhang R.
- ZooKeys.Zookeys.2011 Mar 7;(85):41-60. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.85.973.
- The genus Omophorus Schoenherr, 1835 is recorded for the first time from the Oriental Region and a new subgenus and species, Omophorus (Sinomophorus subgen. n.) rongshusp. n. is described from Yunnan province (P.R. China). The new subgenus differs from the subgenus Omophorus by the longer antennal c
- PMID 21594097
Japanese Journal
- A Revision of the Tribe Deporaini (Coleoptera, Attelabidae) of Japan : II. Systematics : 1. Redefinitions of the Tribe and Genera
- SAWADA Yoshihisa
- 昆蟲 56(3), 553-564, 1988-09-25
- … The tribe Deporaini are characterized by having labial palpi not more than 2-segmented, alimentary canal looping clockwise, rectum situated at the right side of the genital chamber and the spiculum gastrale directed sinistro-anteriorly. …
- NAID 110004024963
- Effects of two juvenile hormone analogs(R-20458,RO203600)and three juvenile hormones(JH1,JH2,JH3)on the external morphology and length of the spiculum copulatus(SC)in the male German cockroach,Blattella germanica(L.)(Dictyoptera:Blattellidae)
- Wheeler Chiristine M.,Gupta Ayodhya P.
- Zoological Science 4(5), p861-865, 1987-10-00
- NAID 40005332518
- 小林 貞一
- 地質學雜誌 42(498), 114-121, 1935-03-00
- … as a whole belong undoubtedly to the Toufangian series, the equivalent to the Black River-Trenton in North America., Recently he added four species of trilobites to the Wuting fauna, namely, Wutingia, rectangularis, Bathyurus granosa, Asaphelius orientalis, and Isotelus spiculum, but except for the first one from which he established a new genus, the generic references appear to be incorrect., The second species is certainly a Hystricurus and probably the third and fourth are closely allied to IIlaenus hinomotoensis and Xenostegium taurus …
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- ラ
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- 英
- spicule
- ラ
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- 関
- 針状骨