- agitate by introducing air or compressed gas; "sparge the water"
- a horizontal pipe having fine holes drilled throughout its length so as to deliver a spray of water
- furnish with spars
- any of various nonmetallic minerals (calcite or feldspar) that are light in color and transparent or translucent and cleavable
- making the motions of attack and defense with the fists and arms; a part of training for a boxer (同)sparring
- a stout rounded pole of wood or metal used to support rigging
- box lightly
- fight verbally; "They were sparring all night"
- fight with spurs; "the gamecocks were sparring"
- (戸船の帆柱・帆げたなどの)円材
- (ボクシングの練習のために)ハパーリングをする,打ち合う / 言い争う,議論する
- スパー(割れて薄片になりやすい,非金属性の光沢のある鉱物の総称)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2012/12/18 15:39:14」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Sparging may refer to:
- A step in lautering, a process used in brewing beer
- Sparging, a process in the processing of edible oils
- Sparging (chemistry), a process used in chemistry whereby a chemically inert gas is bubbled through a liquid
English Journal
- Application of multivariate analysis and mass transfer principles for refinement of a 3-L bioreactor scale-down model-when shake flasks mimic 15,000-L bioreactors better.
- Ahuja S1, Jain S1, Ram K1.
- Biotechnology progress.Biotechnol Prog.2015 Sep;31(5):1370-80. doi: 10.1002/btpr.2134. Epub 2015 Jul 15.
- Characterization of manufacturing processes is key to understanding the effects of process parameters on process performance and product quality. These studies are generally conducted using small-scale model systems. Because of the importance of the results derived from these studies, the small-scal
- PMID 26097232
- Application of high-throughput mini-bioreactor system for systematic scale-down modeling, process characterization, and control strategy development.
- Janakiraman V1, Kwiatkowski C1, Kshirsagar R2, Ryll T2, Huang YM1.
- Biotechnology progress.Biotechnol Prog.2015 Aug 28. doi: 10.1002/btpr.2162. [Epub ahead of print]
- High-throughput systems and processes have typically been targeted for process development and optimization in the bioprocessing industry. For process characterization, bench scale bioreactors have been the system of choice. Due to the need for performing different process conditions for multiple pr
- PMID 26317495
- Enhanced production of antifungal lipopeptides by Bacillus amyloliquefaciens for biocontrol of postharvest disease.
- Pretorius D1, van Rooyen J1, Clarke KG2.
- New biotechnology.N Biotechnol.2015 Mar 25;32(2):243-52. doi: 10.1016/j.nbt.2014.12.003. Epub 2014 Dec 22.
- Food security to sustain increasing populations is a global concern. A major factor threatening food security is crop spoilage during postharvest storage. Reduction of postharvest spoilage has mainly been addressed by the application of synthetic chemicals. Bacillus lipopeptides, specifically lipope
- PMID 25541516
Japanese Journal
- MC-ICP-MSと気化法を用いたRe-Os同位体組成迅速測定方法の開発 (予報)
- 野崎 達生,鈴木 勝彦,ラヴィッツァ グレゴリー,木村 純一,常 青
- 日本地球化学会年会要旨集 56(0), 206-206, 2009
- MC-ICP-MS (NEPTUNE) と気化法を用いて,Re-Os同位体を迅速かつ簡便に測定する方法の開発について議論を行う.OsO4の揮発性を利用して気化法によりOs同位体を測定が行えるようになれば,従来の分析手法の手順を大幅に短縮することが可能であり,多数のサンプルのRe-Os同位体分析も可能になると考えられる.本発表では,MC-ICP-MSと気化法を用いたRe-Os同位体測定の原理の紹介や …
- NAID 130005053878
- <I>Actinobacillus succinogenes ATTCC 55618株による食品ゴミからのコハク酸発酵</I>
- プラニートラッタナノン スタシニー,ムン ヒチョン,脇坂 港,白井 義人
- 日本食品工学会誌 6(4), 259-268, 2005
- … gas sparge rate of 1.0 vvm and at 39°C) . …
- NAID 130003840477
- 城 美砂子,大鋸 正慶,上原 希世美,安田 啓司,坂東 芳行,中村 正秋
- ソノケミストリー討論会講演要旨集 (8), 9-12, 1999-11
- … The sparge of microbubbles in the sonochemical reactor is considered to enhance the generation and collapse of the cavities. …
- NAID 110009710085
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- spargeとは。意味や和訳。[動](他)(自)(…を)まき散らす,散布する. [名]散布. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービスです。
- sparge (spärj) tr.v. sparged, sparg·ing, sparg·es 1. To spray or sprinkle. 2. To introduce air or gas into (a liquid). n. A sprinkle. [Obsolete French espargier, from Old French, from Latin spargere.] sparg′er n. sparge (spɑːdʒ) vb 1. to ...
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