- 関
- solid cancer
- uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks; "a solid line across the page"; "solid sheets of water"
- the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape (同)solidness, solid_state
- a three-dimensional shape
- matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure
- of the same color throughout; "solid color" (同)self-colored, self-coloured
- of good quality and condition; solidly built; "a solid foundation"; "several substantial timber buildings" (同)strong, substantial
- acting together as a single undiversified whole; "a solid voting bloc" (同)unanimous, whole
- characterized by good substantial quality; "solid comfort"; "a solid base hit"
- entirely of one substance with no holes inside; "a solid block of wood"
- financially sound; "the bank is solid and will survive this attack"
- having three dimensions; "a solid object"
- impenetrable for the eye; "solid blackness"
- of a substantial character and not frivolous or superficial; "work of solid scholarship"; "based on solid facts"
- of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous; "ice is water in the solid state"
- of one substance or character throughout; "solid gold"; "carved out of solid rock"
- a colloid that has a continuous liquid phase in which a solid is suspended in a liquid (同)colloidal_solution, colloidal suspension
- the syllable naming the fifth (dominant) note of any musical scale in solmization (同)soh, so
- any malignant tumor derived from epithelial tissue; one of the four major types of cancer
- 『固体の』,『固形の』 / 『うつろでない』,中身のつまった / (物質の)密度が高い,密な;(印刷の)行の詰まった / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『混じりもののない』,純正の / (構造的に)『堅固な』 / (人が)『信頼できる』,堅実な / 健全な,しっかりした / 一致した,団結した / (時間が)まるまる,切れ目のない;(物が)連続した / 三次元の,立体の,立方の / 『固体』,固形物 / 立方体
- ソ(全音階の第5音)
- ソル(ペルーの貨幣単位で青銅貨)
- がん,がん腫
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English Journal
- A rapid and sensitive chemiluminescence immunoassay based on magnetic particles for squamous cell carcinoma antigen in human serum.
- Zhang H, Qi S.AbstractBACKGROUND: Because squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCa) quantification has demonstrated strong clinical potential, we describe a rapid and highly sensitive magnetic particle-based chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) technique for assaying SCCa in serum.
- Clinica chimica acta; international journal of clinical chemistry.Clin Chim Acta.2011 Aug 17;412(17-18):1572-7. Epub 2011 May 12.
- BACKGROUND: Because squamous cell carcinoma antigen (SCCa) quantification has demonstrated strong clinical potential, we describe a rapid and highly sensitive magnetic particle-based chemiluminescence immunoassay (CLIA) technique for assaying SCCa in serum.METHODS: Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)
- PMID 21600892
- Neuroendocrine carcinoma of unknown primary: A systematic review of the literature and a comparative study with other neuroendocrine tumors.
- Stoyianni A, Pentheroudakis G, Pavlidis N.SourceDepartment of Medical Oncology, Ioannina University Hospital, Niarxou Avenue, 45500 Ioannina, Greece.
- Cancer treatment reviews.Cancer Treat Rev.2011 Aug;37(5):358-65. Epub 2011 Apr 9.
- INTRODUCTION: Neuroendocrine carcinomas of unknown primary (NCUP) represent a specific subset with relatively favorable prognosis. Data on biology, management and outcome of NCUP patients have not been systematically reviewed neither compared to those of neuroendocrine tumors of known primary.PATIEN
- PMID 21481536
Japanese Journal
- Uterine Carcinosarcoma in a 2-year-old Female Wistar Hannover GALAS Rat
- Takami Shigeaki,Ogawa Kumiko,Umemura Takashi,Hibi Daisuke,Ishii Yuji,Okamura Toshiya,Tasaki Masako,Inoue Tomoki,Suzuki Yuta,Jin Meilan,Cho Young-Man,Nishikawa Akiyoshi
- Journal of Toxicologic Pathology 24(1), 63-67, 2011
- … The carcinomatous components represented a type of endometrial carcinoma, consisting of glandular and solid proliferation of large-sized tumor cells. … Transitions between carcinomatous and sarcomatous components were observed, and many tumor cells in the solid lesion showed immunohistochemical reactivity with both cytokeratin and vimentin. …
- NAID 130000675355
- 嚢胞変性により悪性腫瘍との鑑別に苦慮した富細胞平滑筋腫の1例
- 梶本 めぐみ,原田 直哉,延原 一郎,春田 典子
- 産婦人科の進歩 63(1), 24-28, 2011
- 一般に変性が少ないとされる富細胞平滑筋腫が,嚢胞変性をきたし腫瘍マーカーの上昇をも伴ったため,卵巣癌などの悪性腫瘍との鑑別に苦慮した症例を経験した.症例は46歳の2回経産婦.全身の倦怠感および腹部膨満感を主訴に近医内科を受診.骨盤内の腫瘤およびCA125の高値(111 U/ml)を指摘され,婦人科疾患を疑われ当院へ紹介受診となった.骨盤内には子宮または付属器と思われる可動性のやや不良な超新生児頭大 …
- NAID 130000670769
Related Links
- solid carcinomaの意味や和訳。 固形がん; 固形癌 - 約486万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典 。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
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- solid cancer、solid carcinoma
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- 固形がん
- 英
- solid cancer、solid carcinoma
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- 固形癌
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- solid carcinoma
- 関
- solid state