English Journal
- Cellular Toxicity of Calf Blood Extract on Human Corneal Epithelial Cells In Vitro.
- Park YM1, Kim SJ, Han YS, Lee JS.
- Current eye research.Curr Eye Res.2014 May 15:1-6. [Epub ahead of print]
- Abstract Purpose: To investigate the biologic effects of the calf blood extract on corneal epithelial cells in vitro. Materials and methods: The effects on corneal epithelial cells were evaluated after 1, 4, 12, and 24 h of exposure to various concentrations of calf blood extract (3, 5, 8 and 16%)
- PMID 24833044
- [Prevention of complications fixed restorations in prosthetic patients with hypertension].
- Gordienko S.
- Georgian medical news.Georgian Med News.2014 Apr;(229):29-32.
- The author on the basis of clinical and laboratory methods justified, that the use of locally cream «Solcoseryl-Denta» persons suffering from arterial hypertension, increase the speed of recovery of normal epithelial layer of the cells of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, and, consequently,
- PMID 24850602
- [Treatment of corneal ulcers with platelet rich plasma].
- Acosta L1, Castro M1, Fernandez M1, Oliveres E1, Gomez-Demmel E1, Tartara L2.
- Archivos de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología.Arch Soc Esp Oftalmol.2014 Feb;89(2):48-52. doi: 10.1016/j.oftal.2013.09.002. Epub 2013 Dec 22.
- OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in the treatment of extensive corneal ulcers in albino rabbits.METHODS: New Zealand rabbits, divided in 3 groups, were used for the study. Corneal ulcers of 10mm diameter were made. Rabbits blood was extracted for the preparation of the
- PMID 24368097
Japanese Journal
- 体外受精胚移植法における hMG/FSH反応不良例および形態不良胚に対するソルコセリル投与の試み
- 下井 貴司,福田 愛作,西垣 明実,西原 卓志,當仲 正丈,山崎 雅友,岡田 英孝,奥 裕嗣,中岡 義晴,森本 義晴,神崎 秀陽
- 日本受精着床学会雑誌 20(1), 129-132, 2003-03-20
- NAID 10012210007
- Solcoseryl, a tissue respiration stimulating agent, significantly enhances the effect of capacitively coupled electric field on the promotion of bone formation around dental implants
- <原著>組織呼吸賦活剤ソルコセリル併用による容量結合型電場刺激(CCEF)法の歯科用インプラント周囲への骨形成促進効果に及ぼす影響
- 高島 成悟,加々見 寛行,越智 守生,広瀬 由紀人,坂口 邦彦
- 東日本歯学雑誌 18(2), 307-323, 1999-12-30
- … and the tissue respiration stimulating agent SolcoserylR (Solcoseryl) The bone around the implant was studied histopathologically and mechanically A combination of CCEF stimulation and Solcoseryl promoted the formation of new bone more effectively than the use of CCEF alone, suggesting that the combined treatment may promote osteogenesis It was concluded that the clinical use of a combination of CCEF stimulation and Solcoseryl for dental implants may promote osseomtegration and shorten the …
- NAID 110000409368
Related Links
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- 大鵬薬品工業株式会社のソルコセリル軟膏(外皮用薬)、一般名ソルコセリル(幼牛血液抽出物)(Solcoseryl) の効果と副作用、写真、保管方法等を掲載。 ... 通常、1日1〜2回患部に塗ります。必ず指示された使用方法に従ってください。
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