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English Journal
- Factors associated with disability and impact of tension-type headache: findings of the Korean headache survey.
- Kim BS1, Chung CS, Chu MK, Chung YK, Lee CB, Kim JM.
- The journal of headache and pain.J Headache Pain.2015 Dec;16(1):524. doi: 10.1186/s10194-015-0524-6. Epub 2015 May 4.
- BACKGROUND: Although mostly mild in symptom severity, tension-type headache (TTH) can cause disability. However, factors associated with disability of TTH have been rarely reported. This study sought to assess the factors associated with TTH-related disability and impact.METHODS: We analyzed data fo
- PMID 25943683
- Determinants of Pregnant Women's Online Self-Regulatory Activities for Appropriate Gestational Weight Gain.
- Kim HK1, Niederdeppe J, Guillory J, Graham M, Olson C, Gay G.
- Health communication.Health Commun.2015 Sep;30(9):922-32. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2014.905900. Epub 2014 Sep 10.
- This study examined psychosocial and sociodemographic factors associated with pregnant women's use of Web-based tools to set and monitor personal goals for healthy diet and physical activity. These tools were made available to women participating in a randomized trial testing a Web-based interventio
- PMID 25205417
- Sexual orientation disparities in psychiatric and drug use disorders among a nationally representative sample of women with alcohol use disorders.
- Mereish EH1, Lee JH2, Gamarel KE3, Zaller ND4, Operario D2.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2015 Aug;47:80-5. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2015.03.023. Epub 2015 Mar 31.
- BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Sexual minority women (SMW) are at greater risk for alcohol use disorders (AUDs) compared to heterosexual women. However, there is a dearth of research on sexual orientation disparities in co-occurring disorders among women with AUDs. We examined disparities in lifetime co-occur
- PMID 25899096
Japanese Journal
- 生後4か月の児をもつ母親の対処行動と特性,SOC (Sense of Coherence),育児に対する自己効力感との関係
- Elevated Serum Retinol and Low Beta-Carotene but not Alpha-Tocopherol Concentrations Are Associated with Dyslipidemia in Brazilian Adolescents
- Informal and Formal Social Support and Caregiver Burden: The AGES Caregiver Survey
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