- put, bring, or take in a secretive or furtive manner; "sneak a look"; "sneak a cigarette"
- a person who is regarded as underhanded and furtive and contemptible
- to go stealthily or furtively; "..stead of sneaking around spying on the neighbors house" (同)mouse, creep, pussyfoot
- marked by deception; "achieved success in business only by underhand methods" (同)underhand, underhanded
- enter surreptitiously; "He sneaked in under cover of darkness"; "In this essay, the authors personal feelings creep in" (同)creep in
- in a sneaky manner; "I always felt sneakingly that I wanted to be a concert pianist"
- a thief who steals without using violence (同)pilferer, snitcher
- a preview to test audience reactions
- not openly expressed; "a sneaking suspicion" (同)unavowed
- 《場所・方向などを表す副詞[句]を伴って》こそこそ動く / 卑劣なことをする;《英学生俗》先生に告げ口する / …‘を'こっそり取る;《話》…‘を'盗む / 卑劣な人,こすい人;先生に告げ口する人 / こそこそやること
- 卑劣な,ずるい;こそこそする
- こそこそする;卑しい(mean) / ないしょの,ひそかな(secret)
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/07/23 17:09:50」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Sneak may refer to:
- Silent movement
- The Sneaks, a band from New Zealand
- The Sneaks (album), their debut album
- Quarterback sneak, an American football play
- Sneak magazine, a British weekly magazine published from 2002 to 2006
- Wiley Sneak, a main character on the British children's game show Trapped! (TV series)
See also[edit]
- DJ Sneak, Puerto Rican DJ
- Sneaking suit
- Stealth (disambiguation)
English Journal
- Oxide Resistive Memory with Functionalized Graphene as Built-in Selector Element.
- Yang Y1, Lee J, Lee S, Liu CH, Zhong Z, Lu W.
- Advanced materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.).Adv Mater.2014 Jun;26(22):3693-9. doi: 10.1002/adma.201400270. Epub 2014 Mar 18.
- A resistive memory with graphene electrodes is demonstrated. The spontaneous functionalization of graphene during device fabrication results in insulator-metal transition-like volatile threshold switching, creating a 1 selector - 1 resistor (1S1R) structure with a built-in selector and leading to a
- PMID 24644034
- Revealing Controllable Nanowire Transformation through Cationic Exchange for RRAM Application.
- Huang CW1, Chen JY, Chiu CH, Wu WW.
- Nano letters.Nano Lett.2014 May 14;14(5):2759-63. doi: 10.1021/nl500749q. Epub 2014 Apr 21.
- One dimensional metal oxide nanostructures have attracted much attention owing to their fascinating functional properties. Among them, piezoelectricity and photocatalysts along with their related materials have stirred significant interests and widespread studies in recent years. In this work, we su
- PMID 24742102
- A new bipolar RRAM selector based on anti-parallel connected diodes for crossbar applications.
- Li Y1, Gong Q, Li R, Jiang X.
- Nanotechnology.Nanotechnology.2014 May 9;25(18):185201. doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/25/18/185201. Epub 2014 Apr 15.
- Crossbar arrays are the most promising application of a resistive random access memory (RRAM) device for achieving high density memory. However, cross-talk interference in the crossbar array limits the increase in the integration density. In this paper, the combination of two anti-parallel connected
- PMID 24737150
- Dissecting the evolutionary stealth of our flora against antibiotics.
- Mathers AJ1, Guerrant RL.
- Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg.2014 Mar;108(3):121-2. doi: 10.1093/trstmh/tru002.
- It is one thing to have an organism develop resistance to an agent to which it is exposed. But organisms are even 'smarter' as they stealthily evade our surveillance as subtle but relevant resistance genes sneak into our 'normal flora'. Transmissible quinolone resistance and 'creeping' nalR and cipR
- PMID 24535149
Japanese Journal
- 書込み速度443MB/sを実現する8Mb多層クロスポイントReRAMマクロ(招待講演,メモリ(DRAM,SRAM,フラッシュ,新規メモリ)技術)
- 川原 昭文,東 亮太郎,池田 雄一郎 [他],河合 賢,加藤 佳一,早川 幸夫,辻 清孝,米田 慎一,姫野 敦史,島川 一彦,高木 剛,三河 巧,青野 邦年
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. ICD, 集積回路 112(15), 13-18, 2012-04-16
- TaOxを用いたReRAMの高速な書換え性能とクロスポイントメモリセルアレイ構成におけるスニーク電流を低減する書込みアーキテクチャにより、443MB/s(サイクル時間17.2ns、64bit並列)と、従来比約2倍の高速な書込みを実現する0.18μm 8Mbit多層クロスポイント型ReRAMマクロを開発した。
- NAID 110009564287
- Large- and small-size advantages in sneaking behaviour in the dusky frillgoby Bathygobius fuscus
- Takegaki Takeshi,Kaneko Takashi,Matsumoto Yukio
- Naturwissenschaften 99(4), 285-289, 2012-04
- … Large sneaker males of the dusky frillgoby Bathygobius fuscus showed a high success rate in intruding into spawning nests because of their advantage in competition among sneaker males in keeping a suitable position to sneak, whereas small sneakers had few chances to sneak. … However, small sneaker males were able to stay in the nests longer than large sneaker males when they succeeded in sneak intrusion. …
- NAID 120005230272
- A Sneak Preview of Proof Theory of Ordinals(<Special Section>Infinity in Philosophy and Mathematics)
- ARAI Toshiyasu
- Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 20, 29-47, 2012-03-25
- … This article is a sneak preview of the project, 'proof theory for theories of ordinals'. …
- NAID 110009425242
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