- make obscene; "This line in the play smuts the entire act"
- any fungus of the order Ustilaginales (同)smut fungus
- affect with smut or mildew, as of a crop such as corn
- become affected with smut; "the corn smutted and could not be eaten"
- destructive diseases of plants (especially cereal grasses) caused by fungi that produce black powdery masses of spores
- stain with a dirty substance, such as soot
- 汚れた,すすだらけの / わいせつな / (麦が)黒穂病にかかった
- 〈C〉(一片の)すす,ほこり;汚れ,しみ / 〈U〉わいせつな物(写真・文章など) / 〈U〉(麦の)黒穂病 / …‘を'汚す
English Journal
- Dental, oral and facial limericks of yesterday and today.
- Christen AG1, Christen JA.
- Journal of the history of dentistry.J Hist Dent.2004 Nov;52(3):131-5.
- PMID 15666504
- Effect of seed treatment with organic acids on the control of common bunt (Tilletia tritici and T. laevis) in wheat.
- Saidi B1, Azmeh F, Mamluk OF, Sikora RA.
- Mededelingen (Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Fakulteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen).Meded Rijksuniv Gent Fak Landbouwkd Toegep Biol Wet.2001;66(2a):213-21.
- PMID 12425040
Related Links
- Translations of smutty. smutty synonyms, smutty antonyms. Information about smutty in the free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. smutty - definition of smutty by The Free Dictionary http://www.thefreedictionary.com ...
- These areas are filled with the loose, smutty spores of the fungus. Some metals may develop a smutty discoloration during the chemical milling process. The sheets were smutty, the rooms filthy, and literally alive with fleas and bed ...
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