- 滑りやすいこと;(滑って)つかみにくいこと
English Journal
- Reduction in the soles of graduated compression stockings prevents falls without reducing the preventive effect for venous stasis.
- Kuroiwa M1, Takahira N2, Ujihashi Y3, Miida K3, Arai Y3, Kawatani H3.
- Thrombosis research.Thromb Res.2015 May;135(5):877-81. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2015.02.028. Epub 2015 Feb 26.
- INTRODUCTION: Graduated compression stockings (GCS) are widely used to prevent venous thromboembolism; however, GCS are slippery and a fall hazard owing to the synthetic fibers. Therefore, we investigated whether changing the sole's shape decreased slipping.MATERIALS AND METHODS: We designed four GC
- PMID 25743882
- Kinematics of unconstrained tactile texture exploration.
- Callier T1, Saal HP1, Davis-Berg EC2, Bensmaia SJ3.
- Journal of neurophysiology.J Neurophysiol.2015 Apr;113(7):3013-20. doi: 10.1152/jn.00703.2014. Epub 2015 Mar 4.
- A hallmark of tactile texture exploration is that it involves movement between skin and surface. When we scan a surface, small texture-specific vibrations are produced in the skin, and specialized cutaneous mechanoreceptors convert these vibrations into highly repeatable, precise, and informative te
- PMID 25744883
- The influence of food texture and liquid consistency modification on swallowing physiology and function: a systematic review.
- Steele CM1, Alsanei WA, Ayanikalath S, Barbon CE, Chen J, Cichero JA, Coutts K, Dantas RO, Duivestein J, Giosa L, Hanson B, Lam P, Lecko C, Leigh C, Nagy A, Namasivayam AM, Nascimento WV, Odendaal I, Smith CH, Wang H.
- Dysphagia.Dysphagia.2015 Feb;30(1):2-26. doi: 10.1007/s00455-014-9578-x. Epub 2014 Oct 25.
- Texture modification has become one of the most common forms of intervention for dysphagia, and is widely considered important for promoting safe and efficient swallowing. However, to date, there is no single convention with respect to the terminology used to describe levels of liquid thickening or
- PMID 25343878
Japanese Journal
- 凍結防止剤や道路気象条件を考慮した凍結路面対策としての粗面系舗装の有効性に関する研究
- 田中 俊輔,高橋 尚人,徳永 ロベルト,安倍 隆二,武市 靖
- 土木学会論文集E1(舗装工学) 70(3), I_181-I_188, 2015
- 粗面系舗装は,沿道環境改善や走行安全性の向上を目的として一般的に施工されているが,積雪寒冷地では凍結路面対策を目的とした施工も多い.筆者らは,凍結路面対策としての粗面系舗装の効果や凍結防止剤と複合させた効果について,主に室内試験から検証してきた.しかし,これらの研究の課題として,実道もしくはそれに近い環境下での検討事例が十分ではないことがある.交通条件や道路気象条件などの環境条件,舗装の性状など …
- NAID 130004962133
- 水廻り床のすべり測定に用いる素足のすべり片の再検討
- 工藤 瑠美,横山 裕
- 日本建築学会構造系論文集 79(696), 219-225, 2014
- … In this paper, the authors reconsider to improve the slider in the method of measuring the slipperiness of wet floors with bare feet. … First, sensory tests for making psychological scale of slipperiness were carried out with many and various wet floors. …
- NAID 130004752761
- 親水活動時の滑り事故防止に向けた付着藻類の滑りやすさの定量的評価
- 手塚 公裕,大串 浩一郎,緒方 直人 [他],長林 久夫
- 水環境学会誌 37(6), 239-250, 2014
- 近年,親水施設の整備が進められ,その安全性が課題となっている。本研究では親水活動時の滑り事故防止を目指し,河川等における水底の滑りやすさ(滑り抵抗係数)の定量的評価を行った。その結果,以下の知見を得た。1)滑り抵抗係数と付着Chl-a量には負の相関があり,付着藻類が増えると滑りやすくなることが定量的に明らかとなった。2)水中の栄養塩濃度が半飽和定数以下の場合,流速と付着Chl-a量に正の相関がある …
- NAID 130004713675
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- slip·per·y (slĭp′ə-rē) adj. slip·per·i·er, slip·per·i·est 1. Causing or tending to cause sliding or slipping: a slippery sidewalk. 2. Tending to ... That is to say, not noticing the slipperiness of the threshold, I stumbled against an old woman ...
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