- make slender or appear to be slender; "slenderizing skirts" (同)slenderise
- …‘を'細くする / …‘を'ほっそり(細く)見えるようにする / 《米》(食事制限や運動をして)〈自分〉‘を'やせさせる / やせる,細くなる
English Journal
- Successful retrieval of a Figulla Occlutech septal occluder - embolized device stability and potential solutions.
- Sadiq M1, Ur Rehman A1, Mehmood A2.
- Annals of pediatric cardiology.Ann Pediatr Cardiol.2016 May-Aug;9(2):161-3. doi: 10.4103/0974-2069.180672.
- Go to: We report a case of an atrial septal defect where a Figulla Occlutech device embolized into the right ventricle. As this device has no left atrial hub, we brought the bare device into the inferior vena cava and used a novel two-snare technique to slenderize the device into the sheath. This re
- PMID 27212852
- Underwater bubble pinch-off: transient stretching flow.
- Herbst DC1, Zhang WW.
- Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics.Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys.2011 Aug;84(2 Pt 2):026313. Epub 2011 Aug 11.
- At the point of pinch-off of an underwater air bubble, the speed of water rushing in diverges. Previous studies that assumed radial flow throughout showed that the local axial shape is two smoothly connected, slender cones that transition very slowly (logarithmically) to a cylindrical segment. Our s
- PMID 21929096
- PMID 12621577
Japanese Journal
- レギンスの丈の違いによる下体部の印象評価―体型の違いを中心に―
- 和洋女子大学紀要 = The journal of Wayo Women's University 50, 67-79, 2010-03
- NAID 120005467620
- スタブ装荷による反射器付き水平偏波C形状ダイポールアンテナの共振長の短縮
- <原著論文>本学学生の健康生活における調査研究 : その1 体脂肪率と体型認識及び生活習慣との関連
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- Slenderize definition, to make slender or more slender. See more. Dictionary.com Word of the Day Translate Games Blog Thesaurus.com Apps Favorites Log Out Log In follow Dictionary.com Dictionary.com Blog definitions ...
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